

An Ingredient Analysis System Design of Industrial Used Coal Based on S3C44BOX

【作者】 徐航

【导师】 赵书俊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 煤矸石是一种在采煤和洗煤过程中排放的固体废物,我国每年要排放大量的矸石,不仅占用大量的土地资源,而且造成环境污染。用洗中煤和矸石混烧发电,是解决污染的有效途径。国家为鼓励企业,特别是火力发电厂,积极有效使用煤与矸石混合燃料混烧发电,制定了许多优惠政策,因此如何快速、精确地定量分析混合燃料中煤与矸石的搭配比例,具有十分重要的意义。本文首先对系统的设计原理进行深入分析,提出利用单束、低能γ射线透射法测量混合燃料组分的思想,然后介绍了基于S3C44BOX的工业用煤成份分析仪的设计原理,并详细介绍了γ射线能量信号采集电路、混合燃料质量信号采集电路以及系统的软硬件设计。基于S3C44BOX的工业用煤成份分析仪主要由前端γ射线能量信号采集电路、混合燃料质量信号采集电路和数据处理系统等组成。γ射线能量信号采集电路对NaI探测器输出的脉冲信号进行滤波、放大、整形、脉冲幅度分析后,输入S3C44BOX的计数器进行计数。同时用一个带有标准RS-232C串口的精密电子天平同步测量混合燃料的质量信号。数据处理系统对两路输入信号计算处理后,得到混合燃料中煤与矸石的搭配比例,并将数据实时发送到LCD屏进行实时数据显示。系统还扩展了一个网络接口,可以将数据传送到远程PC,以备后期分析。在软件系统设计中,论文引入了μclinux操作系统,完成了引导加载程序Blob和操作系统的移植。重点设计了精密电子天平与S3C44BOX的串口通讯和数据的网络传输等应用程序。系统使用方便,可配备于热电厂及监测部门的化验室,对混合燃料煤的成份进行快速定量分析。

【Abstract】 The gangue is a kind of solid waste produced in coal mining and coal washing process. The emission of gangue in our country is large in amount every year; it not only takes up massive land resource, but also causes environmental pollution. To burn the mixture of coal and the gangue to generate electricity is the most effective way to solve the problem of pollution. Our country has made many preferential policies to encourage the enterprise, specially the Thermal power plant, to use coal and the gangue mixed fuel positively and effectively. Therefore analyzing the matching proportion of coal and gangue in the blended fuel in a fast and precise way plays a very vital role.This thesis first gives a thorough analysis to the design principle of the system, proposed the idea to use a single beam, and low energy ? ray transmission method to measure mixed fuel components, then introduced the design principle of the industrial used coal ingredient analysis instrument, which is based on S3C44B0X, and also introduced the ? ray energy signal gathering electric circuit; the quality signal gathering electric circuit of the blended fuel as well as the software and hardware design of the system in detail.The industrial used coal ingredient analysis instrument, based on S3C44B0X, is mainly composed by the ? ray energy signal gathering electric circuit, the quality signal gathering electric circuit of the blended fuel as well as the data processing system. The ? ray energy signal gathering electric circuit is used to filter, enlarge, reshape, and analyze the pulse signal outputted by NaI detector, and then a S3C44B0X counter is used to count. At the same time a precision electronic balance with a standard RS-232C serial port was used to simultaneously measure the quality of the signal of the mixed fuel. After the data processing system has processed and calculated the two input signal, the proportion of coal and gangue in the mixed-fuel is obtained, and real-time data is sent to the LCD screen for real-time data. This system also extends a network interface; the data can be transmitted to a remote PC, to prepare for later analysis. In software system design, this paper introducesμclinux operating system, in order to finish Blob boot loader and operating system migration. Precision Electronic Balance with S3C44B0X serial communications and data network transmission applications are focused on design.The system is easy to use. It can be equipped with the power plant and monitoring department of the laboratory to give a rapid quantitative analysis of the composition of coal in mixed fuel.

【关键词】 S3C44B0Xμclinuxγ射线煤成份数据采集
【Key words】 S3C44B0XμclinuxγrayIngredient of coalData collection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

