

Hydrological Sensor Network Deployment Optimization

【作者】 闭启礼

【导师】 王宗敏;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 水利信息技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水文信息一般通过水文站网来采集,及时准确的水文信息采集和分析是各项水利工作的基础。传感器网络能够及时获取监测对象的多种客观信息,在水文信息采集中具有十分广阔的应用前景。将水文传感器网络应用到水文站网进行优化部署,或对现有部署方案进行进一步调整优化,在解决水文信息采集自动化、水情实时监测、提高站网监测精度及时效性等问题方面,具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文针对水文信息采集存在的问题,深入分析了传感器网络在物理拓扑、密度分析等方面的优点,研究了水文传感器网络的水文分区问题,提出了节点的规划部署及部署优化的方案,并应用在淮河淮南支流信阳市地区。论文主要内容如下:(1)回顾并分析了水文分区、水文站网规划、传感器网络等相关理论,探讨了水文站网规划与传感器网络的研究前沿问题,并结合水文传感器网络在水文信息采集方面的应用,提出本文研究的主要问题。(2)深入研究了聚类分析方法,并将其应用于水文传感器网络分区。为了研究水文分区的特征,以多种水文参数为指标,考虑传感器节点的分层、节点可靠度及数据的汇总方式,根据河流上下游水文特征差异及行政区划,进行水文传感器网络分区研究,获得了较为满意的分区效果。(3)根据流域特征,采用面平均雨量降雨模型,结合流量监测节点部署的直线原则,初步设计出部署方案,并对研究区域内的雨量、流量、水位、蒸发等不同类型的传感器节点进行了部署,采用对比分析法,对该方案进行论证,结果表明,该方案在一定程度上满足水文监测要求。(4)分析了影响水文传感器网络部署优化的水文、网络、通讯、传感器节点等主要因素,确定出传感器网络的物理拓扑、密度分析的优化标准,根据GAF优化算法,对网络节点初步部署方案进行了优化处理,在提高站网监测精度和信息采集时效性方面获得了较为满意的效果。

【Abstract】 Hydrological information is generally collected through the network of hydrological stations, timely and accurate hydrological information collection and analysis is based on the work of the Water. Sensor network can monitor the object timely access to objective information, the hydrological information collection has a very broad application prospects. Hydrological sensor networks will be applied to optimize the hydrologic network deployment, or deployment of existing programs to further adjust and optimize, in addressing the hydrological information collection automation, real-time monitoring regimen to improve the monitoring network for the accuracy and timeliness of such issues has important theoretical and practical significance.This hydrological information collection for the problems, in-depth analysis of the sensor network physical topology, density analysis of the advantages to study the hydrological sensor network partition problem, a node deployment planning and deployment optimization programs, and applications Huai River tributaries of Xinyang City area.This dissertation includes forth parts, which are introduced in details as follows:(1) Retrospective analysis of the hydrological area, hydrological station network planning, sensor networks and other related theories discussed hydrological station network planning and sensor networks research frontier problems, combined with hydrological sensor networks in hydrological information collection aspects of the application, put forward the main issues this paper.(2) In-depth study of the cluster analysis, and applied to hydrological sensor network partition. In order to study regional hydrological characteristics of a variety of hydrological parameters for the index, consider the hierarchical sensor nodes, node reliability, and data summary way, according to characteristics of the river between the upstream and downstream hydrological and administrative divisions to carry out hydrographic partition of sensor networks, access partition effect is satisfactory. (3) According to watershed characteristics, rainfall model using surface average rainfall, combined with the deployment of traffic monitoring nodes in a straight line principle, the preliminary design of a deployment plan, and within the study area, rainfall, flow, water level, evaporation and other types of sensor nodes deployment, using Comparative analysis, demonstration of the program, the results show that the program to some extent to meet the hydrological monitoring requirements.(4) Analysis of the impact of hydrological sensor network deployment optimization, network, communications, sensor nodes and other major factors that determine the physical topology of a sensor network, optimization of the density of the standard, according to GAF algorithm, the initial deployment of the network node is optimized program in improving the network of monitoring stations in terms of accuracy and timeliness of satisfactory results obtained.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

