

Study of Chinese Folklore Culture Shown in Trade Paintings

【作者】 王均利

【导师】 莫小也;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 美术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 外销画是清代中晚期顺应经济市场需求而出现的一种中西合璧的商品绘画,是中西绘画交流的结晶,也是中国对西方艺术输出的重要组成部分,这些具有时代特性的外销艺术作为中国南部沿海地区的独特商业门类,具有重要的史学文献价值。以表现民俗文化为题材的外销画是清代中晚期社会生活的艺术性的描绘,也是西方艺术的传播对清代艺术的影响,中西艺术审美接受的综合体现,因此这一类的绘画作品具有反映社会生活和体现艺术融合的双重特色。民俗文化是一个民族的象征性的一种生活方式,是区别于其他民族最根本的本质特征,外销画将民俗文化作为表现题材,不仅彰显了中国传统文化的魅力,更为吸引消费者找到了比较优质有效的表现媒介。探究民俗文化题材外销画的形成原因,认知市场经济因素对于艺术创作的影响,体会表现生活的艺术品中所展现的文化内涵,从而反映出清代对外通商口岸的时代意义,以及中西经济贸易对艺术创作的影响。外销画画种的出现以及发展促进了中西方贸易的发展,刺激了中国绘画商品化的进程,并为17、18世纪欧洲美术提供了创作元素。这一类别绘画的出现对中国传统绘画提出了巨大的挑战,为中国绘画以后的发展做出了大胆的尝试,这种尝试虽然在当时不为主流文化所赞赏,但是站在今天的角度来看,这种艺术样式并不是中西绘画技法的简单相加,也不是单纯的模仿,而是绘画者经过实践创作而摸索出来的一种新的绘画形式,是创作者内心自我的创作感受,是外来艺术为我所用的实践结果。笔者认为,应该从文化的角度看待其所呈现出来的特性,更加全面的把握外销艺术在我国艺术史中的历史地位,更加充分的挖掘外销画对我国现当代艺术以及艺术市场的影响。本文将通过柔和中西绘画技法的外销画艺术的进行研究,通过对外销画产生的背景的分析,进一步总结出外销画所具备的特性,最重要的就是从文化的角度研究外销画的表现主题,尤其是表现中国民俗为主题的绘画作品,使外销画研究纳入文化的范畴,从而使得清代外销画在中国美术史以及文化史中得到更加确切的地位。

【Abstract】 Trade paintings that were produced by the demand of market economy and the impact of western art were artistic commodity. Its emergence was a result about communion between China and West, and they were very important part of history about Chinese and Western culture. These paintings have very important historiography signification as kind of business and paintings in south port cities of China. The trade paintings that took the folklore as subject mater depicted community of Qing Dynasty, so they have the trait of sociality and mingled culture. Folklore and culture were symbolistic life style to one nation. And they can distinguish one nation form another. The outcome of the depiction of folklore and culture was exhibit the Chinese immemorial culture and life custom, and attracted more and more people to pay attention to trade paintings, so they created rich profit and gained good chance for their development. The article analyze the form and the development of the special topic, the impersonal cognize the affection of economy for art produce and experience character of their culture, in order to show the status of the south port city, and the active effect of the market. Besides, the creation of such a topic is the external combination of the arts broadcast and aesthetic acceptance.The appearance of trade paintings boosted the development of trade between China and West, and activated the Chinese paintings more commercial vocation. They also inspired the Europe industrial arts and garden design of 17-18 century. And the trade paintings aroused enormous challenge and change for traditional paintings of China. Although those new kind of paintings were not accepted by the mainstream of current culture opinion, they were culture communion and innovated between Chinese with Western art by Chinese painters. While the Chinese painters expressed their sensibility about the Western art though creating trade paintings, and used the Western painting skill to depict the Chinese life. It was creation not ordinary copy. So I think that we should study the trade paintings from very impersonal point of view, and give abundant study for their impact on modern art especially commercial art.This article study trade paintings which had assimilated western painting techniques and the background of those paintings′appears. Further,summing up the property of Chinese trade paintings. And what is more, I study the topics that were arisen in trade paintings in using the culture, especially those paintings about the Chinese folklore culture. In order to catch scholastic eyes and enrich Chinese history of art, this article recurs to culture to get useful conclusion.


