

The Research on the College Students Psychology Crisis Early-Warning Mechanism

【作者】 卢楠

【导师】 傅真放;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范学院 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生是民族的希望,祖国的未来,然而频发的大学生心理危机事件给我们以警醒,在当前我国呼吁加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,提倡思想政治教育者应该给大学生以更多的人文关怀和心理疏导的大背景下,加强高校大学生心理危机预警机制研究刻不容缓。这对于促使高校采取切实有效措施,建立和完善大学生心理危机预警机制,做到大学生心理危机的及时预防、及早发现、有效干预,从而促使高校大学生思想政治教育者准确把握大学生思想品德的形成发展规律,增强大学生思想政治教育的针对性和实效性,促进大学生的自由全面发展具有重要意义。心理危机在一定的压力源和个体易感因素的交互作用下而产生,大学生心理危机具有易察性和易发性的特点。当前大学生所面临的主要压力源为学习压力、自主与独立压力、家庭与经济压力、前程压力等,且大学生压力源在大学生性别、年级、专业、自评学习成绩、家庭来源、是否独生子女、家庭结构、父母婚姻状况以及家庭收入水平上具有一定的差异。大学生心理危机个体易感因素主要包括大学生的应对方式、人格特质、社会支持以及归因方式,面对压力情境或事件,具有神经质人格,习惯于采用诸如自责、幻想、退避等消极应对方式,获得的社会支持较少,习惯于采用消极归因方式的大学生往往容易陷入心理危机。对大学生心理压力源以及个体心理危机易感因素的研究为确定大学生心理危机重点监控对象和重点监控时段以及构建大学生心理危机预警机制提供了依据。大学生心理危机预警机制是大学生心理危机预警工作方式、方法的制度化和系统化,可以理解为在常态下,高校组织相关力量通过采取一定的措施筛选出大学生心理危机易感人群,并对大学生心理危机易感人群以及可能诱发大学生心理危机的各种因素进行严密的监测,以对大学生心理危机发生的可能性、严重程度及其可能带来的后果作出科学合理的估计,必要时向有关部门或人员报告的一套运行体系。本文重点从建立大学生思想政治教育主体互动机制、心理健康档案制度、心理健康状况普查排查制度、心理危机预警网络以及相应的保障机制、监督管理机制这几个方面探讨了大学生心理危机预警机制的构建。

【Abstract】 The college students are the hope of the nation and the future of our country. However,the psychology crisis happens to the college students frequently. This has awakened us that it’s of great urgency to strengthen the research on the college students psychology crisis early-warning mechanism in the context of our country calling for strengthening and improving the college students ideological and political education and calling the college students ideological and political educators to giving more humane care and psychological counseling to the college students. It’s of great importance to push the college to take effective measurs to establish and perfect the college students psychology crisis early-warning mechanism, which can timely prevent, early detect and effectivly intervent the college students psychology crisis. And this will urge the college students ideological and political educators to accurately grasp the formation and development laws of the college students’idea and moral, so as to strengthen the direction and effectiveness of the college students ideological and political education, and to promote freely and comprehensivly development of the college students.The psychology crisis happens under the interaction of stressors and individualy susceptiable factors. The feature of college students psychology crisis are susceptibility and easily observation . Today, the main stressors which the college students faced to are the study stress, the autonomous and independent stress, the family and economic pressure, and the future stress. Besides, the college students stressors are different on gender, grade, professional, self-assessment academic, household register, whether the child, family structure, marital status of parents, and family income level. And the susceptiable factors of individual to the college students psychology crisis menly includes coping style, personality, social support and attributional style. When the stress situation or events happen to the college students, who is neuroticism, is accustomed to take such as self-blame, fantasy ,withdrawal and other negative coping style, gets less social support, is accustomed to take negative attributional style, is vulnerable to psychological crisis.The research on the stressors and the individualy susceptiable factors of the college students not only provides the basis for the identification of the key monitoring objects and periods of the college students psychology crisis, but also provides the basis for the construction of the college students psychology crisis early-warning mechanism. The college students psychology crisis early-warning mechanism is the institutionalized and systematizied style and method for the college students psychology crisis early-warning work. It can be interpreted as the college organizing some power to select the college students group who is susceptiable to the psychology crisis, and closely monitoring this group and all kinds of factors which can lead the college studens to fall into the psychology crisis, so as to make scientific and reasonable estimation to the likelihood of the occurrence, the serious level , and the possible consequences of the college students psychological crisis, and report to the related authorities or persons if ne cessarily in order to timely response. This article mainly explores the construction of the college students psychology crisis early-warning mechanism on these aspects: constructing the subjectivity interaction in the college students ideological and political education, establishing the college students psychology health files system, the the college students psychology health status survey system, the college students psychology crisis early-warning network, the corresponding security mechanism, and the supervision and management mechanism.


