

The Design of Wheeled Mobile Robot Based on Embedded System

【作者】 李志欣

【导师】 刘晋;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题设计的移动机器人主要是以运动控制的物理机械设计为主,是机器人研究领域的一个附属研究方向,应用于工业、农业等各行各业,是一个国内外都关注的且广泛应用的研究热点。本文的设计在国内外关于移动机器人设计的基础上,着重分析了轮式移动机器人运动控制的物理和机械运动原理和发展状况,研究并设计了两轮驱动的移动机器人,力图使移动机器人达到小型化、智能化、精确化。本系统的设计在硬件控制方面,根据机械运动的原理,分析了移动机器人的运动行为理论。以AVR系列单片机ATmega8为主要的微控制芯片,主要的工作是对ATmega8的外围功能电路的设计与各个功能模块的实现。主要的功能为:避障功能的实现,本课题并没有植入简单的碰撞传感器模块,而是实现了远距离的超声波检测模块和近距离的红外线检测模块;在结合了L298N驱动芯片,实现了步进电机BS42HB33-01对于后两轮的驱动运动,能够按照各个功能模块的要求,完成机器人的各项动作;加入了语音识别功能模块,能够实现人机对话的交互行为;串口温度测试模块则实现了在环境温度大范围的变化时,移动机器人能够自主的躲避该环境;对于不同模块中电源的提供,本课题专门设计了电源模块,以方便系统的功能实现和调试工作。在软件方面,本课题设计结合了UML软件设计思想,实现了组件化的软硬件协同设计理念。并且软件的设计遵循了层次设计结构,共分为:数据采集层、底层功能驱动层、数据处理层、功能应用层等四层结构。整个移动机器人控制系统有着体积小、功能强大、可裁剪性强、便捷等特点。在最后的调试运行中,较好的完成了预定的任务。

【Abstract】 The mobile robot designed in this project, mainly focused on motion control which is a part of physical and mechanical design, is the next object in robot research. Its wild application raises worldly attention and will be applied in various industries. The design in this thesis emphasizes on the physical and mechanical theory and development on the motion control of wheeled mobile robot. The double wheeled mobile robot is on the basis of the previous design at home and abroad, researched and designed in order to make the mobile robot miniaturization, intelligent, and refinement.In respect of hardware control, this design analyzes the motion theory of mobile robot in light of mechanical motion principle. The micro controlling integrates circuit, mainly with ATmega8 of AVR series single chip, is used to enforce the function peripheral circuit of ATmega8 and each functional module. Its principal functions are various: the realization of barrier-avoiding capability, which is under the help of remote UML module and short-range infrared thermograph inspection; the realization of drive for the rear wheels by BS42HB33-01 with the combination of L298N driving chip, to meet the requirements of each functional module and motions; the speech reorganization module, which facilitates man-machine conversation; serial port temperature test module, which helps the mobile robots avoid the environment in case of large-range fluctuation rises; the power supply module, which facilitates the realization and debugging of system functions.As to software, the project, combining the design of UML, brings about the idea of unit-design of software and hardware. The layer structures in this design are divided as data-collection layer, low-level drive layer, data-process layer, and function application layer.The mobile robot control system is featured by small size, powerful functions, flexible cutting, and convenience. In the final debugging, the system completed the preset task in a satisfied way.

【关键词】 移动机器人机械控制功能模块UML
【Key words】 Moblie RobotMechanical ControlFunction ModuleUML

