

Analysis of Status Quo in Physical Education Teaching Researches of the USA and the UK in the 2000-2008

【作者】 彭国强

【导师】 项贤林;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 体育教学研究是一门整合各种基础科学的学术,它旨在探索体育教学中的规律和揭示体育教学现象背后的本质。随着当前我国青少年学生体质的普遍下降,我国把优化体育教学改革,提高青少年体质作为教学的第一要务。近年国际上以美国和英国为代表的体育教学较为成功,其研究成果有很多借鉴之处,本研究在总结前人研究的基础上,运用内容分析法,对美国的《体育教学杂志》(Journal of teaching in physical Education)和英国的《体育教学与社会》(Sport Education and society)2000-2008年以来所刊载文章的内容做系统的量化分析,以揭示新世纪美、英两国体育教学研究的现状及趋势,比较其研究差异,以期为我国体育教学研究有所裨益。本研究所得的主要结论如下:1.两本杂志研究主体的专业背景呈多样性,其中JTPE杂志以保健学为专业的作者数量最多,运动训练学专业居次;SES杂志以(体育)教育学为背景的研究者数量最多,以运动训练学与运动人体科学为背景的居次。从活跃研究群体看,美国研究者人均发文量相对较高,但相对稳定的作者群还并未形成;英国研究者人均发文量低,但研究作者群体相对稳定。核心作者方面,JPTE杂志主要集中在美国,SES杂志英国学者数量最多。2.美国体育教学研究中主体间协作研究较多,英国研究者独撰较多,并且美国研究者合著度及合著指标较高,英国研究者合著指标不足两人;从论文的协作类型看,两本杂志研究者的国内协作较高,跨国合作研究较少;体育学科内部协作方面英国高于美国。3.从热点主题分析看,美国主要集中在“职前教师、教师专业职业发展、教师教育评估和教师知识、行为、思想、情感与记忆力”、“学习者特定领域学习发展、户外教学及体育游戏”等方面,英国热衷于“关于教师体育形象、观念、信仰及社会化”、“教师教育能力、教学技术、自我效能及与学生间冲突”等方面;学生主体的研究方面,美、英两国都热衷于“关于学生性别、学习兴趣与动机及儿童青少年(女性)身体活动与体育能力”等方面的研究。4.美国体育教学研究热衷于实验和调查研究,观察研究居次,作为“案头分析”的第二手分析在美国体育教学研究中运用较少;英国的体育教学研究则更偏重于历史研究和调查研究,实验研究和观察研究居次,第二手分析的历史研究、内容分析和因果比较研究等定性方式在英国体育教学研究中运用较多,量性研究运用较少。5.JPTE杂志最常用的研究方法是问卷调查法,实验法居次,从“文本到文本”的研究方式在美国体育教学研究中运用较少;SES杂志中传统文献分析最多,实验法及观察法等运用较少,偏重于定性研究的“第二手分析”。JPTE杂志最热衷于3种研究方式的综合运用,4种研究方式的复合运用居次;SES杂志偏重于1种或2种研究方法的复合运用,3种研究方式的复合运用居次。6.美国的研究侧重于描述性与推断性统计相结合,英国更热衷于描述性统计;具体数据分析上,SES杂志以描述性统计分为主,其他方式运用较少,JPTE杂志则以推断性统计分析为主;研究范式选择上,英国多采用定性研究,美国偏向于量性研究,多属于统计分析中的定性与定量相结合。

【Abstract】 Physical education research is an academic that integrate of a variety of basic science, which aim is to explore the law and reveal the nature of physical education, following the general decline in physical education of young Students in our country, optimize education reform and enhance the physical of young people as the most important task., In recent years the international community represented by the United States and the United Kingdom’s physical education more successful, their research has a lot of reference of the Department, In this study, based on previous studies, using content analysis, to analyze the United State’s, "Journal of Physical Education" (Journal of teaching in physical Education) and the United Kingdom’s "Physical Education and Society" (Sport Education and society) 2000-2008 Since the contents of the article published in the system to do quantitative analysis to reveal the new century the United States and Britain the status of physical education and trends compare differences in their research to teaching and research for the benefit of sports.The main conclusions of this study as follows:1. The 2 magazine studies show a diversity of professional background of the authors, and the JTPE magazine of Health Science to the largest number of professional authors, sports training professional subordination; SES magazine (Sports) education background the largest number of researchers in order to exercise Training and Human Movement Science as the background of the second place. From active research groups, the United States issued a document researchers per capita is relatively high, but relatively stable authors also did not form; British researchers published articles per capita is low, but the study of relatively stable populations. The core of respect, JPTE magazine mainly in the U.S., SES Journal of the largest number of British scholars.2. American physical education collaborative research between research more subjects, the only writer more British researchers, and the United States co-researchers and co-index higher degree, the UK index less than two co-researchers; from the paper to see the type of collaboration The two magazines researchers higher domestic collaboration, international cooperation relationships; physical education collaboration within the United Kingdom than the United States.3. Hot topics from the analysis, the U.S. focus on "pre-service teachers, teacher professional development, teacher education, assessment and teacher knowledge, behavior, thought, emotion and memory," "learners to learn specific areas of development, outdoor education and sports game" so, the United Kingdom interested in "on the teacher sports images, ideas, beliefs and socialization," "teacher education capacity, teaching techniques, self-efficacy and with students between the conflict" and so on; students to study in subject areas, the United States and Britain are keen in the "on student gender, interest in learning and motivation, and children and adolescents (female) physical activity and physical ability" and so on. 4. Teaching of American sports and interested in experimental research, observational study in second place, as a "desk analysis of second-hand analysis of the study in the United States the use of less physical education; Teaching Research in the UK is even more emphasis on historical research and investigation, Experimental research and observational studies in second place, secondary analysis of historical research, content analysis and qualitative causal comparative research methods in teaching and research in the use of British sport more, use less amount of research.5. JPTE magazine is the most commonly used research methods survey, experiment second place, from the "text to text" of research in physical education studies in the United States use less; SES journal literature of the most traditional, experiment and observation, etc. use less, emphasis on qualitative research "secondary analysis." JPTE magazine’s most interested in three kinds of ways of integrated use of four kinds of research methods combined use of subordination; SES Journal of emphasis on one kind or two kinds of research methods combined use of three kinds of research methods combined use of second place.6. America’s research focused on descriptive and inferential statistics combine the British more interested in descriptive statistics; specific data analysis, SES Magazine to describe the main points of statistics, the use of other less, JPTE magazine Zeyi statistical inference analysis of the main; research paradigm choice, the United Kingdom to use more qualitative research, the U.S. bias in quantitative research, statistical analysis is more qualitative and quantitative.

【关键词】 2000-2008年美国英国体育教学研究
【Key words】 2000-2008USAUKPhysical Education Research
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】892

