

A Study on Neuro-muscular Characters of Rowing Athletes with High Level in Pull Tache

【作者】 李圆圆

【导师】 吕季东;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【副题名】以Concept Ⅱ 赛艇测功仪上的动作为例

【摘要】 赛艇运动作为一项较为流行的水上运动,其关键技术环节——拉桨技术的好坏直接影响运动员的比赛成绩。鉴于研究的现状,研究者多从运动学、动力学或生理学等角度出发进行了研究,还没有从电生理学角度对赛艇的关键技术环节进行分析的研究文献可供参阅,因此,本文主要想通过运动学与电生理学(EMG)的综合研究,探讨高水平运动员在ConceptⅡ赛艇测功仪上,完成拉桨技术动作时的神经-肌肉工作特点,旨在找出赛艇运动过程中中枢及外围神经系统与肌肉收缩的相互关系,为今后寻找最佳化的力量训练手段以指导运动员专项训练提供参考。本实验选取了上海市水上运动中心的5名健将级赛艇运动员作为实验对象。对运动员在ConceptⅡ赛艇测功仪上完成拉桨技术动作,运用SONY-HDR-FX1E摄像机和BIOVISION表面肌电采集系统进行了同步测试.通过采集8块主要工作肌肉的肌电信号,并结合膝、髋、肘三个关节的角度和角速度变化等运动学参数,综合地分析了在完成拉桨技术动作时,各肌肉的sEMG活动信息,进而推理在测功仪上完成拉桨动作的神经-肌肉支配特征。本文通过sEMG与运动学分析,主要得出以下几点结论:1对于周期性运动的赛艇来说,在ConceptⅡ测功仪上完成的拉桨技术动作,无论是从运动学还是从肌电的角度分析,各肌肉主要遵循大肌群带动小肌群协调发力的原则,用力顺序基本一致,其在运动过程中建立一种“省力模式”。2在赛艇的拉桨技术动作中,身体各环节发力依次表现为:背部肌肉主要是腰侧竖脊肌首先“预激活”,然后才是大腿各肌肉的有力蹬伸以及背部其它相关肌肉用力收缩。随着下肢的蹬伸和躯干的后倒即将结束时,最后才借助手臂上的各肌肉充分发力,以便将腿的蹬伸与上体的“长距离”后倒继续有力的维持下去,完成最后的拉桨,在此期间,膝、髋关节的角度与角速度变化基本一致,该变化主要体现在拉桨的中间阶段,而肘关节的变化趋势与二者不同,其变化主要体现在拉桨周期的60%以后。3由关节角速度变化的结果再次明确了ConceptⅡ测功仪上的拉桨从积极蹬腿到背部用力后倒再到屈臂拉桨整个过程都是持续不间断的平稳加力的。4腰侧竖脊肌在ConceptⅡ测功仪上的拉桨技术中EMG活动贡献较大,其次为手臂上的肱二头肌EMG活动较强,而下肢各肌肉在拉桨的整个过程中则相比躯干和手臂都要小,尤其是股二头肌和胫骨前肌的EMG活动最小,股直肌在整个过程中,其EMG活动是一直存在的。通过本次研究,笔者建议在今后的训练中应该多注意躯干上的腰侧竖脊肌和手臂上的肱二头肌以及下肢的股直肌,腓肠肌内侧头等主要肌肉的训练,针对各肌肉的专门训练方法,选取专项的训练手段,以争取在比赛中取得更优异的成绩。

【Abstract】 As a fashionable aquatic sports, the crucial technology track of rowing—pull has a direct impact on tournament results. In the light of the status quo of the project, researchers make a thorough investigation on Kinematics, Kinetics or Physiology generally, while not available references yet. So this paper, from kinematics and electrophysiology this two perspectives, mainly study neuro-muscular characters of higher level athletes when doing pulling of rowing on ConceptⅡ. the purpose of this paper is to find the relationship between center and periphery neural system and muscular contract during ergometer rowing, and make a reference for finding specific training in the future so as to instructor athletes.The experiment choose five master sportsmen of rowing in the center of aquatic sports in shanghai as subjects, using camerals of SONY-HDR-FX1E and BIOVISION EMG acquisition system to make an experiment on pull of rowing on Concept II simultaneously, though collecting EMG signal of eight muscles mainly, and combining them with some kinematic paramaters such as angle and angular velocity of knee, hip, elbow etc. The paper make a comprehensive analysis of sEMG information of various muscles, and furtherly infer the neuro-muscular characters of athletes.Though comprehensive analysis of sEMG and Kinematics, the paper mainly sum up the following recommendations:Firstly, for cyclical movement such as rowing, from whatever kinematic or electromyographic perspective, a variety of muscles will keep a coordination of strike sequence when completing the pull technic of rowing on ConceptⅡ, they will keep to the following principle, that is large Muscle Groups drive small Muscle Groups in exertion.Secondly, in the course of pulling, the various body segment show its exertion in turn:the back muscles, for example, erector spinae is preactivated firstly, then muscles from leg and other muscles from back will contract vigorously. As all these contractions are to be end, lastly muscles from elbow will exert enough, so as to maintain the stretch of leg and trunk continuously and complete the final pull. During tis period, the variance between joint angle and angular velocity of knee and hip stay the same basically, it changs mainly in the middle phase of pull. While the variation trend of elbow is different from them, which changs mainly after 60 percent of the time period of pull in rowing.Thirdly, from the result of change of angular velocity of three joints, we make certainty that the pull of rowing on ConceptⅡraise power steadily in the whole process, which is from actively stretch of leg to extension of back, and then to bend of elbow. Lastly, erector spinae makes a bigger contribution to the pull of rowing, compared with any other tested muscles, then biceps brachii of arms and lastly muscles of lower limb,especially biceps femoris and anterior tibialis have the smallest impact,while the activity of rectus femoris exists in the whole process.Though the study, the author suggest that in the future training, athletes should pay more attention to main muscles such as erector spinae, biceps brachii and rectus femoris, medial head of gastrocnemius etc, further more, in view of different training of various muscles, the trainer should choose specialtraining methods in order to achieve outstanding performances in the competition.

  • 【分类号】G861.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】175

