

Effects of Environmental Stress on Survival and Propagation Agasicles Hygrophila Selmamet Vogt

【作者】 马明勇

【导师】 朱道弘; 万方浩;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本毕业论文旨在研究环境温度、湿度、光周期和营养胁迫、除草剂处理以及交配次数对莲草直胸跳甲各虫态的影响,为工厂化批量生产莲草直胸跳甲提供更好的技术指导,为更好利用该叶甲防治空心莲子草提供理论基础。根据试验结果表明:1、温度是影响该甲种群在我国分布的主要限制因素。低温胁迫和高温胁迫对该叶甲卵的孵化产生明显影响,高温胁迫对卵孵化的影响尤为明显;低温胁迫4-12℃和高温胁迫35-40℃对莲草直胸跳甲第一龄期幼虫均具有致死性;高温对该叶甲幼虫化蛹产生抑制作用;雌虫12℃下开始产卵,当温度上升为35℃或以上时候抑制其产卵,25℃下产卵量最大,平均产卵量为7397粒,25℃下成虫取食量最大,4-25℃下,成虫取食量随温度升高而增加,40-C成虫不取食;低温胁迫下,12℃雌雄成虫的寿命最长,分别为53.5d和44.2d,温度过高或过低都导致成虫寿命降低。2、湿度对该叶甲卵的孵化、幼虫化蛹率及成虫产卵量影响大。该叶甲卵的孵化率随湿度递增而升高;幼虫历期随湿度的递增而减少,同时,幼虫化蛹率随湿度的递增而提高;蛹羽化率受湿度影响比较小;成虫在不同湿度下雌虫的寿命长于雄虫的寿命,相对湿度98%下雌雄成虫寿命最长,分别为44.7d和39.7d,该叶甲成虫取食量和产卵量随湿度的增加而剧增,98%湿度下产卵量高达8300粒,取食量为5883.5mg。3、12L恒定光周期下,该叶甲卵的孵化率、幼虫化蛹率、雌虫产卵量和成虫取食量最大,雌雄成虫的寿命最长。光周期对该叶甲卵的孵化率影响不大;光周期过长或过短都导致幼虫化蛹率降低;长光周期下蛹的羽化率比短光周期下高,历期缩短0.8d;OL下雌虫产卵量最少,12L产卵量最大,为8472粒。4、使它隆、稻杰和农达3种除草剂中,使它隆对该叶甲的安全性最高,使用浓度为0.750L/ha为宜。药后2天,该叶甲成虫取食量最大的是使它隆;而该叶甲幼虫在喷洒4.50L/ha和6.00L/ha农达下的第三天停止取食;药后五天,该叶甲雌虫的存活率比雄虫的存活率低,该叶甲雌虫取食喷洒过3种除草剂后的产卵量最高是使它隆,于药后第四天出现产卵高峰期,达到97粒卵粒;而在农达下产卵最少,农达药后的第五天停止产卵。5、营养胁迫影响该叶甲幼虫和成虫取食以及成虫产卵量。混合叶片饲养下,幼虫选择高、低SPAD值叶片比列为7.6:1,而成虫选择高、低SPAD值叶片比列为4.0:1;低SPAD值叶片和食料不足饲养严重影响雌虫产卵量,10-50%食料下雌虫不产卵;雌虫耐饥饿能力强于雄虫,该叶甲雌雄成虫死亡率随食料的递减而剧升。6、该叶甲雌虫未交配也能产卵,但所产卵块不能孵化;雌虫在生命期内产卵量以及所产卵的孵化率随交配次数增加而增多;未交配雌虫寿命与正常交配后雌虫的寿命差异显著,相差约17d;交配后雌虫取食量明显高于未交配取食量,未交配雌虫取食量为1411mg,正常交配下雌虫取食量为6425.2mg。

【Abstract】 In order to provide better technical guidance for factory production and better theoretical foundation for controlling the Alternanthera philoxeroides Griseb by using Agasicles hygrophila Selmamet vogt,effect of temperature stress,humidity stress,photoperiod stress,nutrition stress,herbicide stress and the number of mating on the Agasicles hygrophila Selmamet vogt were tested in the paper.The results showed that:The A.hygrophila hatching eggs was affected under the low temperature stress and high temperature stress,even more significantly under the high temperature stress.The first stage of the A.hygrophila larvae was dead under 4-12 and 35-40℃.High temperature stress had produced a pupation inhibition to the larvae. The A.hygrophila females began to lay eggs under 12℃and inhibited when the temperature rose to 35℃or above.under 25℃,the females lay more eggs than under others temperature, with an average of 7397 eggs. The food ingestion of The A.hygrophila adult increased as the temperature rose from 4 to 25℃,and reached the largest at 25℃,but the adult stopped laying as the temperature rose to 40℃.The maximum life span of adult females and males were at 12℃,and were 53.5d and 44.2d.The temperature too high or too low had led to lower adult life span.Humidity had effect on the A.hygrophila eggs hatch rate, the larvae pupate rate and the adult fecundity,but had not on the A.hygrophila eclosion rate. The A.hygrophila eggs hatch rate and the larvae pupate rate increased as the humidity rose,even the food ingestion and the egg laying amount of the adult increased smartly.The females had more longer life span than the males at different humidity.at 98% RH,the A.hygrophila females and males reached the maximum life span,and were 44.7d and 39.7d;the egg laying amount was as more as 8300,and the food ingestion was 5883.5mg.Under 12L constant photoperiod, the egg hatching rate of the A.hygrophila,as the larvae pupation rate, the females egg laying amount, and the food ingestion and the life span of male and female,reached the maximum value. Photoperiod had little effect on the A.hygrophila eggs hatch rate, too long or too short had led to decrease the larvae pupate rate the A.hygrophila eclosion rate of pupae under the long-photoperiod was higher than short-photoperiod,and the A.hygrophila duration shortened 0.8d. the least egg laying amount was under OL,and the largest,as more as 8472,was under 12L.By using Starane,glyphosate and Penoxsulam, the tiptop security of A.hygrophila was Starane,and the optimum concentration was 0.75L/ha. After 2 days spray, the largest A. philoxeroides ingestion of A.hygrophila adult was sprayed by Starane;the larvae stopped ingestion After 3 days spray by Starane at 4.50L/ha and 6.00L/ha; After 5 days spray, females livability was lower than males livability, the most female fecundity was Starane and the least was glyphosate,the female fecundity was suppressed evidently by glyphosate.Nutrition stress had effect on the food ingestion of the A.hygrophila larvae and the adults, also on the the A.hygrophila females egg laying amount. Mixed leaf feeding, the larvae select high-and low-SPAD value of leaves as a 7.6:1 ratio,but the adults as a 4.0:1 ratio; the females egg laying amount was severely affected by feeding low SPAD value of leaves and food shortage,even did not lay any eggs under only providing 10-50% food;the females starvation endurance ability more stronger than the males,the mortality of A.hygrophila rose sharply as the decrease of food.Unmating females could also lay eggs,but the eggs could not hatch.In the lifetime, A.hygrophila females fecundity and hatching rate of eggs increased with the increasing in the number of mating; The life span of between mating females and unmating females existed a significant difference,the former would longer 17days; the food ingestion of mating females was significantly higher than unmating females,In the lifetime, the food ingestion of unmating females was only 1411mg,but normal mating female could reach 6425.2mg.


