

Development of Cartoon Industry in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 梁爽

【导师】 王晓敏;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 动漫产业是文化创意产业的重要组成部分,作为21世纪最具有潜力的产业,不仅引起了实业界的高度重视,同时学术界的理论研究也逐步增加。了解我省动漫产业发展现状,明确我省动漫产业发展瓶颈,探索我省动漫产业的发展策略,对于缩小我国动漫产业与发达国家动漫产业的差距,推动我国动漫产业健康发展,具有重大的现实意义和理论意义。我们省有悠久的历史,不缺少动漫产业所需的历史文化资源;我们有国家和政府的大力支持,政策环境日趋完善;我们也有龙江特色民族文化深厚的基础;各种形式的国际合作使我们在掌握先进制作技术上也不逊于动漫发达国家等优势。这些优势为我们龙江文化的产业发展提供了前提条件。然而我们省在发展动漫产业的道路上也存在着很多问题,影响我省动漫产业发展的因素主要有:人才匮乏,缺少高端原创人才(包括编导人员),没有高质量的原创作品,没有形成品牌优势,投融资能力也不强,中小企业融资难,知识产权保护方面也较弱,企业实力不强未形成完整产业链。这些问题都需要我们要实行制定相应的发展策略如:大力培养专业人才,“以产带教”用商业驱动式解决资金问题,加大打击盗版力度,加强监督合作和宣传,不断完善产业链,建立统一的行业标准等策略和实施办法来不断创新,与时俱进的解决和发展龙江动漫产业,走出一条适合我省的动漫产业发展道路。

【Abstract】 Animation industry is an important composition of cultural originality industry. As an industry which has the most potential in the twenty-first century, animation not only has drawn great attention in the field of industry, but also has led to an increase of academic study in academic circles. Knowing the current situation of animation industry in our province, making clear the bottlenecks of developing animation in our province, and exploring the strategy of developing the animation in our province have great practical significance and academic significance in minimizing the disparity between the animation industries in our country and in the developed countries; meanwhile, these efforts contribute a lot to promote the healthy development of animation in our country.Our province has a long history, we are not short of necessary historical and cultural resources in animation industry; with the great support from our country and government, our political environment is becoming more and more completed; we also have a strong base of Heilongjiang ethical culture; all kinds of international cooperation enables us keep up with the animation industry in the developed countries on grasping advanced making-technology. These advantages provide conditions for our development of Heilongjiang cultural industry.However;there still exist many problems on the way of developing animation in our province, the main factors that affect the development of animation industry in our province are: lacking of talented person, few top talented persons who are able to create works originally(including write and direct person), no high-caliber original works, no brand advantage, weak investing and financing power, difficulties in financing in middle and small industries, weakness in protecting intellectual property, no complete industrial chain because of weakness of industrial strength.All these problems need our appropriate developing strategies such as: training more experts, developing teaching with manufacturing, resolving financial problems with commercial motion, increasing the efforts of attacking the pirated copies, strengthening cooperation and propagation, completing industrial chain gradually, establishing united industrial standard and taking measures to bring forth new ideas,developing the animation industry in Heilongjiang province keeping up with the time to explore an appropriate way to develop the animation industry in our province.


