

Analysis of Japanese Colonial Propaganda in the Northeast of China Occupied by Japan

【作者】 于海波

【导师】 曲广华;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 中国近、现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 日本侵略者对中国东北的殖民宣传是随着文化侵略而进行的,但其后果比军事入侵、政治统治、经济掠夺更为严重。日本侵略者在占领中国东北的十四年中,采取各种手段向东北民众灌输殖民主义思想和文化。本文主要从殖民宣传的角度,对日本的侵略罪行进行阐述和分析。日本侵略者为了要长期奴役和统治中国东北,占领东北后建立了各级宣传统制机构,并利用这些宣传机构颁布了一系列严厉而残酷的法律法规,把一切文化宣传活动都操纵在手中。他们以行政命令手段控制电影、广播、新闻、出版、宗教等宣传渠道,建立和扩大了民众教育馆、民众讲习所、博物馆、图书馆及补习学校等民众教育设施,以此来弥补学校教育的不足,中国传统的封建思想观念也成为日本帝国主义在东北殖民宣传的工具。在社会上通过语学奖励制度、各种纪念日等进行宣传,向民众大力灌输殖民思想。而且在中国东北组织了名目繁多的“会”、“团”等反动组织,用“日满亲善”、“王道政治”、“日满一德一心”、“五族协和”等虚伪的政治口号麻醉中国东北人民,对东北人民进行心灵的摧残,妄图消灭东北人民的民族意识,要把东北地区的中国人变成日伪统治下的顺民、皇民。只要剥去日本侵略者宣传的欺骗性、粉饰性外衣,其侵略实质昭然若揭。日本殖民宣传的种种事实,无论文字上玩弄什么伎俩,都无法掩盖其妄图泯灭中国东北人民的民族意识和瓦解东北人民反抗斗争这一险恶用心;无论日伪采取什么样的欺骗手段,也无法改变日本侵略者占领东北的事实。

【Abstract】 Colonial propaganda of Japanese invader in China’s northeast was carried out with the cultural aggression. But its consequence was even more serious than military invasion, political domination and economic exploitation. In the 14 years of occupation, Japanese invader took various means to indoctrinate the people of northeast colonial ideology and culture. This dissertation expatiates and analyzes the crimes of Japanese invasion from the perspective of colonial propaganda.With the purpose of dominating northeast perennially, Japanese invader established propagandist agencies at all levels after the occupation, and then utilized these agencies to promulgate a series of harsh and cruel laws and regulations. All cultural activities were manipulated in Japanese invader’s hand. They controlled film, radio, news, press, religion and other propagandist channels by executive order. Mass Education Centers, public workshops, museums, libraries, tutorial schools and other public education facilities were built and enlarged, in order to make up for lack of school education. Chinese traditional feudal concept became a tool of which Japanese imperialism propagandize in the northeast.In the community Japanese invader engrafted the public colonial ideology through the award system, various anniversaries, and so on. Furthermore, all sorts of "council", "group" and other reactionary organizations were organized. With the "kingcraft politics", "five nationalities living in harmony", "Japan and Manchukuo enjoy rapport" and other hypocritical political slogans deceived people in the northeast. Japanese invader attempted to devastate the soul of people and eliminate the northeast people’s consciousness of the Chinese nation, and attempted people of northeast to be obedient citizens under the Puppet Regime. As long as stripping away the deceptive and cosmetic hype and you will find the original thought. No matter what the word of playing tricks, as the matter of fact, Japanese colonial propaganda can not cover up his attempting to take away people’s national consciousness and collapse people’s resistance in the northeast. No matter what kind of artifice can not change the fact that Japanese occupied the northeast.


