

Gramsci Social Theory and Contemporary Implications

【作者】 任海滨

【导师】 姜玉洪;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 国外马克思主义研究, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 安东尼奥·葛兰西是意大利共产党的创始人和革命领袖,直接参与当时的共产主义运动和革命,同时他还是一位著名的马克思主义理论家,对马克思主义做出了许多精辟并且具有创新性的解释和发挥,他的意识形态领导权理论更是对西方马克思主义的发展产生了极其重要的影响。而作为葛兰西思想的重要组成部分,市民社会理论正逐渐成为学术界和理论界研究和讨论的热点。葛兰西在其著作《狱中札记》中对“市民社会”的解读是站在与马克思不同的一个思维角度,他认为市民社会是一个从经济领域独立出来,与政治领域相并列的文化和意识形态领域,市民社会对政治社会起着决定作用,革命的核心问题就是文化领导权的争夺,葛兰西市民社会理论的产生既有无产阶级现实斗争需要的原因,也是经典马克思主义的逻辑发展,还包括了对无产阶级革命经验的总结。本文通过对葛兰西市民社会理论的形成,基本观点,理论特征等问题的梳理和概括,以及对中国市民社会的发展过程的概括和总结,分析当前中国市民社会所存在的一些基本问题,力图发掘到一些经典理论对当前中国特色社会主义建设的现实意义。随着改革开放的不断深入,学术界和政界都开始重视到市民社会的作用问题,所以有关市民社会的理论研究成果也在不断涌现。但从总体上看,对葛兰西的市民社会理论的研究还只是初步的,存在许多不足和局限,特别是对市民社会的作用评价上,还没有形成较为统一的意见。因此,做出公正、客观、实事求是的评价,深入揭示市民社会理论对我们的启示,具有十分重要深远的意义。

【Abstract】 Antonio Gramsci, founder of Italian Communist Party and the revolutionary leader, was directly involved in the communist movement and the revolution, while he was a famous Marxist theoretician of Marxism made many brilliant and innovative explain and play, his theory on hegemony is the development of Western Marxism had a very significant impact. As an important part of Gramsci’s ideas, theory of civil society is gradually becoming a social theory and theorists academic research and discussion of hot spots. Gramsci, in his book "Prison Notes" to "civil society" is that he is standing on a different thinking and Marxist perspective, his view of civil society is separate from the economic field, side by side with the political culture and the field of ideology, civil society plays a decisive role on the political and social revolution of the core issues of cultural leadership in the struggle, Gramsci produced both social theory of the proletarian struggle because the reality is the logical development of classical Marxism , also includes a summary of the experience of the proletarian revolution.Based on the formation of Gramsci’s theory of civil society, the basic ideas, theories and characteristics of sorting out issues such as general, as well as the development of Chinese civil society and the broad conclusion, analysis of the current civil society exist in China, some basic questions, trying to to discover some of the classical theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the current practical significance.With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, academics and politicians have begun to pay attention to the role of civil society, so the academic achievements of civil society are emerging. But generally speaking, on Gramsci’s theory of civil society is only preliminary, there are many deficiencies and limitations, especially for evaluation of the role of civil society, have not formed a more unified view. Therefore, to make fair, objective and realistic evaluation, in-depth theory of civil society revealed the inspiration for us of great and far-reaching significance


