

The Preliminary Study of Flora and Ecology on Bacillariophyta Pennatae-araphidiales, Raphidinales, Monoraphidinales from Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 赵粒岑

【导师】 范亚文;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黑龙江省位于我国的东北边陲,有着特殊的地理位置和特有的气候特征,藻类资源相对丰富,但其区系分类研究较为薄弱。硅藻是一类种类多、数量大、分布广的真核自养型水生生物,在水生生态系统及生物环境监测中具有重要的作用,是国际区系分类学和生态学研究活跃的植物类群。1981年至2009年间,由本实验室的多名研究人员在黑龙江省多个地区进行藻类标本采集,本文所涉及的标本近128号,采集时间一般在4月-9月之间采集,最高水温27℃、最低水温为-1℃,pH范围在5.5-8.4之间。利用光镜和扫描电镜对其中硅藻的无壳缝目,短壳缝目和单壳缝目植物进行了鉴定和描述,共鉴定硅藻90个分类单位,包括61种22变种2变型5亚种,隶属3目3科11属,所有种类均附有数码照片。无壳缝目共发现7属:四环藻属(Tetracyclus),平板藻属(Tebellaria),等片藻属(Diatoma),扇形藻属(Meridion),星杆藻属(Asterionella),脆杆藻属(Syndra),针杆藻属(Fragilaria),共47个分类单位,包括33种13变种1变型。占所发现三目硅藻数目的52%。短壳缝目共发现1属:短缝藻属(Eunotia),共23个分类单位,包括17种5变种1变型。曲壳藻目共发现3属:卵形藻属(Cocconeis),曲壳藻属(Achnanthes),弯楔藻属(Rhoicosphenia),共20个分类单位,包括11种4变种5亚种。其中针杆藻属(Syndra)、脆杆藻属(Fragilaria)、短缝藻属(Eunotia)、曲壳藻属(Achnanthes)4个属的硅藻数量占所发现种类的81.1%。同时,对黑龙江省硅藻种类的分布、生态分布特点及其区系特征进行了初步的分析和探讨:1、本文涉及的无壳缝目,短壳缝目和单壳缝目硅藻属于典型浮游型的种类较少,浮游或附生种类的较多;低电解质型、低-中电解质型硅藻所占比例较大,其中短壳缝目硅藻比其他两个目硅藻更喜低电解质的生境;无壳缝目硅藻更适中性水体,短壳缝更喜酸性环境,而曲壳藻更喜中性及碱性环境;黑龙江省冷水种较常见,温水种偶见;无壳缝目硅藻存在的范围较广,从贫营养型水体至富营养水体都可能出现,而短壳缝目和单壳缝目硅藻更喜贫营养型的水体。2、大兴安岭出现较多的喜贫营养或贫-中营养的种类,还发现了一些喜酸性和喜冷水的种类;小兴安岭地区的硅藻组成类型与大兴安岭相似,以喜低电解质、低pH值、贫营养、冷水的种类为主要区系特征;张广才岭和老爷岭区域的硅藻种类组成以喜低电解质、中性、贫营养的冷水种类为主要区系特征,且与兴安岭明显不同;本研究中无壳缝目硅藻在松嫩平原的分布达64%,其中,喜中-高电解质种类比例增加,喜酸性种类、喜碱性的种类同时出现;三江平原与松嫩平原相比,无壳缝目硅藻所占比例下降,喜中至高电解质种类比例减少,喜酸性种类和喜碱性种类并存,喜贫营养种类有所增加。本文对黑龙江省无壳缝目,短壳缝目和单壳缝目硅藻植物的分类及生态特点进行了初步研究,为我国藻类资源的调查提供重要的基础资料。

【Abstract】 Heilongjiang province locates in Northeastern of China, and there are especial positon and peculiar climate characterisyic. There are very abundance algae esources in this place, but few research of algae flora taxonomy had been done. Diatoms, as a major group of autotrophic and eukaryotic algae, are one of the most common types of phytoplankton found in almost every aquatic habitat. The character of diatom communities are a popular tool commonly used in monitoring environmental conditions and water quality.From 1981 to 2009, Samples were collected from some places in Heilongjiang province. 128 specimens had been collected from April to September. The surface water temperature varied from -1℃to 27℃. The pH level fluctuated between 5.5 and 8.4 . Araphidiales, Raphidionales, Monoraphidinales were observed and identified by Light microscope and SEM, 90 taxa have been reported, including 61 species, 22 varieties, 2 forms, 5 subspecies, which belong to 11 genera, 3 families, 3 orders. Each taxon was described and illustrated with one digital photograph.In Araphidiales, 7 genera (Tetracyclus, Tebellaria, Diatoma, Meridion, Asterionella, Syndra, Fragilaria) and 47 taxa had been identified , including 33 species, 13 varieties, 1 forms.In Raphidionales, 1 genus (Eunotia) 23 taxa had been identified , including 17 species, 5 varieties, 1 forms.In Monoraphidinales, 3 genera (Cocconeis, Achnanthes, Rhoicosphenia) and 20 taxa had been identified , including 11 species, 4 varieties, 5 subspecies. In present stuied, Syndra、Fragilaria、Eunotia and Achnanthes were accounted for 81.1% of total taxa.The character of species composition and distribution in Heilongjiang province were discussed preliminarily. It as follows:1.The most taxa of Araphidiales, Raphidionales and Monoraphidinales are epiphytic and a few taxa are typical planktonic. Of the three order, there are plenty of taxa belonged to low and low-to-moderate electrolytic species.Compared with the others two order, some species of Raphidionales prefer low electrolytic waters. The taxa of Araphidiales prefer circumneutral waters, the taxa of Raphidionales prefer acid waters and the taxa of Monoraphidinales prefer circumneutral and alkalescent waters; The cold-water species always found in Heilongjiang Province and the warm-water species were accidental. The taxa of Araphidiales were in different nutrition waters, the most taxa of Raphidionales and Monoraphidinales prefer oligotrophic waters.2. In Da Higgnan Mountains, there were many oligotrophic species, meso-oligotrophic species, acidophil species and alpine cold-water species found. In Xiao Higgnan Mountains, there were some low electrolytic species, acidophil species, oligotrophic species and cold-water species reported. Most taxa of Araphidiales, Raphidionales and Monoraphidinales from Zhangguangcai Mountain and Laoye Mountain belonged to low electrolytic species, neutral species, oligotrophic species and cold-water species. In Song-Nen Plain, accounted for 64% of Araphidiales taxa idenfied in this stuided area, some meso-eutrophic species were found increasedly, and some acidophil species, alkalescent species were found also. Compared with Song-Nen Plain, there are fewer taxa of Araphidiales in Sanjiang Plain, but oligotrophic species were reported increasedly.In this paper, the preliminary study on Araphidiales, Raphidionales and Monoraphidinales from Heilongjiang Province would provide an important data for the algae resource investigation in China.


