

Study on Prediction and Prevention of Burst in High Stress Area of Deep Mining

【作者】 赵洋

【导师】 刘先贵;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着煤层开采深度的增加和开采范围的扩大,采场高应力所导致的冲击地压对生产的威胁日趋严重。深部开采在构造复杂的条件下,高应力区域冲击危险性难以预测与控制。本文采用理论分析方法研究动压现象的成因与的影响因素。埋深900m条件下岩层积聚的变形能较大,顶底板岩层厚度大、强度高,开采后顶板积聚较大的弹性能量,断层区域易于形成高应力区,具有发生动压现象的条件。采用RFPA软件对采区倾向与走向以及两种不同埋深条件进行数值模拟分析。得出随着开采深度的加大,工作面的动压现象会越来越明显,煤层的开采危险性系数越大。工作面接近断层构造带或老顶来压期间易于发生冲击地压,因此必须做好断层构造带和老顶来压的预测工作。工作面在掘进和回采两个阶段要加强动压的预测和防治,均以钻屑孔法监测预警为主,电磁辐射监测为辅。掘进面采用φ42-44mm煤电钻每班打深15-20m的钻孔进行超前探测,回采面顺槽煤帮单排布置间距6m、孔深15m的监测钻孔,钻孔方向为平行于煤层,垂直巷帮。采用KBD5电磁辐射监测仪对掘进头处50m范围内与顺槽超前200m范围采用定点监测。同时要做好危险区域解危效果的检测。冲击地压整体控制首先开拓布置合理、开采方法合适来避免高应力集中和能量积聚,通过煤层注水改变物理力学性质,爆破断顶、强制放顶和超前深孔预裂爆破等方法处理厚层坚硬顶板,消除大面积来压和冲击地压的威胁。局部性防治主要采用卸压爆破和钻孔卸压两种方式。深部采场高应力区域动压现象危险预测与防治技术的研究,对于确保掘进面正常推进和回采工作面的安全生产具有重大意义。

【Abstract】 With the increase of coal mining depth and scope of the expansion of mining, stope high stress caused by burst growing threat to production. Deep caving mining in complex and dynamic pressure under the conditions of high energy, high-stress region is difficult to predict the impact of risk and control, mining technology is difficult. In this paper, it used theoretical analysis of the causes of the phenomenon of dynamic pressure and the influencing factors. Depth of 900m under the rock deformation energy accumulated in large thick roof and floor rock, high strength, after mining the accumulation of large elastic energy roof, the fault area is easy to create high-stress area, the phenomenon has occurred in the conditions of dynamic pressure. It used RFPA Software to simulate the conditions of two different depths on the mining area along the face dip and strike. Obtained with the increase of mining depth, face the phenomenon of dynamic pressure will become increasingly clear that the exploitation of coal seams greater risk factor.Face tunneling and mining in two stages to enhance prediction and control of dynamic pressure, cuttings Kong and France are the main monitoring and early warning, monitoring of secondary electromagnetic radiation. Drivingφ42-44mm coal face by drill class to play 15-20m deep drilling to advance exploration, coal mining surface trough to help single-row layout spacing 6m,15m deep hole drilling the monitoring, drilling direction is parallel to the seam, Vertical Drift. Electromagnetic radiation detector using KBD5 head office on the driving range and the trough 50m 200m ahead of the scope of use of sentinel surveillance. At the same time do a good job getting rid of danger effects danger zone detection. First, the overall control burst open layout is reasonable, appropriate mining methods to avoid high stress concentration and energy accumulation by changing the physical and mechanical properties of coal seam, blasting off the top, to force roof and Blasting and other advanced approach to thick hard roof, remove a large area to burst pressure and threats. Mainly localized control blasting and drilling relief relief in two ways. Face advance support should be flexible, able to absorb energy and impact of the hinged roof beams and wood back and hydraulic prop to support so as to ensure the safety of the production face. Stope in deep areas of high stress dangerous phenomenon of dynamic pressure prediction and prevention techniques, but to ensure the normal driving surface mining face advance and the security of the production of great significance.


