

Study on the Hydrogeological Condition Evolution Characteristics in Shandong Province

【作者】 祝子惠

【导师】 徐军祥; 高宗军;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 地下水以其易采易补、调节能力强、水质好和动态稳定等优势,成为工农业生产、城镇建设和生活饮用的重要水源。山东省大规模开发地下水始于70年代末,随着经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,对水资源的需求也日益增加。长期以来由于大强度开采地下水,超采严重,造成区域性地下水位持续下降,地面沉降、海咸水入侵、土壤盐渍化,泉水枯竭、土地沙化等一系列环境问题。我省地下水含水层按岩性、地下水赋存条件、水理性质及其水力特征,划分为四大含水岩组,即松散岩类孔隙水含水岩组、深层承压孔隙水含水岩组、碳酸盐岩类裂隙岩溶水含水岩组、基岩裂隙水含水岩组,其中,具有实际供水意义的地下水主要为浅层孔隙水、深层孔隙水和岩溶水。水文地质条件变化主要包括地下水动力场和地下水化学场的变化,山东省水文地质条件演化规律的研究,应从人类工程活动影响下地下水循环系统和化学环境的演变来进行。70年代开采初期开采量较小,地下水流场基本处于天然状态,因而本论文选取1978年的数据资料作为背景值,将地下水系统分为浅层孔隙水循环系统、深层空隙水循环系统和岩溶水循环系统,对比分析得出地下水动力场的演化规律及水质演化规律,并以鲁西北平原、鲁中南丘陵和山东半岛三个大区为单位,提出相应的地下水资源可持续开发利用对策,保证我省地下水资源的可持续开发利用。

【Abstract】 Since the advantages of easily by mining and filling, well adjust ability, good water-quality and dynamic stability, groundwater becomes the important source of industrial and agricultural production, urban construction and drinking water. Shandong large-scale development of groundwater began in the late 1970s, along with the development of economy and the improvement of people’s living standard, the demand for water resources are increasing. Long-term over-exploited groundwater rusults in a series of environmental problems such as regional groundwater continued to decline, ground subsidence, sea salt-water intrusion, soil salinization, desertification, and so on.According to the lithology, groundwater occurrence condition, water hydraulic characteristics and properties, groundwater aquifer is divided into four water rock groups that water rock group of loose pore water pressure, water rock group of deep pore water pressrue, water rock group of the karst water and water rock group of the bedrock fissure. Among them, the practical supply significance of groundwater are the shallow pore water, the deep pore water and the karst water. Hydrogeological condition evolution includes the changes of groundwater dynamic field and groundwater physicochemical field, the study of Shandong hydrogeological conditions’evolution should be done under the influence of human engineering activities. In the early of 1970s, groundwater flow was in a natural state because of the smaller mining, so we select the data of 1978 as the background value, divide the groundwater system into shallow pore water cycle system, deep pore water cycle system and karst water cycle system and analyze the evolution regularity of groundwater dynamic field and physicochemical field. In order to ensure the sustainable development and utilization of groundwater resources in Shandong, we proposed the countermeasures in the units of LuXiBei plains, LuZhongNan hills and Shandong peninsula.


