

Study on the Division and Correlation of Cambrian in Luxi Block

【作者】 张彬

【导师】 韩作振; 杨仁超;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 鲁西地块位于郯庐断裂带以西的山东区域,寒武纪地层出露连续,露头良好,古生物化石丰富,研究程度高。长期以来,鲁西寒武系一直采用三统十阶的划分方案,但该方案存在诸多不合理的因素,随着国际寒武系四统划分的出现,有必要对鲁西地块的寒武系进行新的划分,以达到与国际接轨的目的。鲁西地块寒武纪年代地层分为下寒武统、中寒武统和上寒武统,自下而上为沧浪铺阶、龙王庙阶、毛庄阶、徐庄阶、张夏阶、崮山阶、长山阶、凤山阶。年代地层单位是地层划分对比的重要依据。新泰汶南和济南彩石的两条碳氧同位素地层剖面,其碳氧同位数曲线演化特征在长山阶底部都表现出了显著的正漂移,与华南地区及哈萨克斯坦等国家寒武系芙蓉统底界的正漂移完全可以对比,为鲁西地块寒武系剖面与全球芙蓉统界线层型剖面对比架起了桥梁,提供了重要佐证。鲁西地块寒武系以富含三叶虫化石为特色,其数量多,特征明显,并且上寒武统含有丰富的牙形石。对青州剖面的牙形石进行了研究,确定了寒武系和奥陶系的界线。前人根据古生物的属种和在剖面上的分布序列,鲁西寒武系共划分了21个三叶虫生物带,建立了7个牙形石化石带。参照国际寒武纪四分方案,将鲁西地块三叶虫化石带、牙形石化石带和层型剖面的化石带进行对比,并结合碳氧同位素和海平面变化把鲁西寒武系划分为三个统八个阶:第二统(第三阶、第四阶),第三统(第五阶、鼓山阶、古丈阶),芙蓉统(排碧阶、第九阶、第十阶)。

【Abstract】 Luxi block is situated west of Tanlu foult in the Shandong region,Cambrian formation is continuously and good,palaeophyte fossils are veryrich,the research level is high. The Cambrian have three series and ten stages in our country, but this solution scheme exists many unreasonable factors. With the appearance of the Four serices Ten stages of Cambrian,it is necessary to make a new division to Cambrian in Luxi Block,and draw up new lightfaces paleogeography map on the new frame.Luxi Cambrian stage rock formation divide of Lower Cambrian,Middle Cambrian and Upper Cambrian.It’s include Canglangpu stage,Longwangmiao stage,Maozhuang stage,Xuzhuang stage,Zhangxia stage,Changshan stage and Fengshan stage. The unit is the important basis of strata contrast.Two carbon and oxygen isotope of Xintai wennan and Jinan caishi, its evolution characteristics of carbon and oxygen isotope curve show notable positive drift at the bottom of changshan stage, which can completely compare with positive drift at the bottom of furongian series at the south China and Kazakhstan, it is a bridge for the contrast Cambrian profile of western Shandong area with the boundary stratotype section of global furongian series, and provid important evidence.Cambrian of western Shandong area is characteristic with rich trilobites fossil which the quantity is too much and its features is obvious, and the conodonts contains rich at the upper of cambiran. We encure the boundary between the Cambrian and ordovician through the research of the conodonts at the Qingzhou profile, predecessors according to the paleontology species and its distribution at the sequence,21 trilobites biological belt were divided at the Cambrian of western Shandong area, built 7 conodonts biological belt.Based on this consult and follow the international Cambrian four series program,the Luxi block include three series and eight stages:the second series(the third stage,the fourth stage),the third series(the fifth stage,Gushan stage,Guzhang stage),Furong series(Paibi stage,the ninth stage,the tenth stage).


