

Study of the Increasing Friction Technology of Driving Drum’s Bionic Surface

【作者】 李全

【导师】 肖林京;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 利用摩擦原理实现机械传动的装置普遍存在于工业生产中,带式输送机就是典型的应用范例。为了提高带式输送机的运输能力,防止因打滑引起的生产事故发生,适当增大驱动滚筒与输送带接触面上的摩擦力是很有意义的。本文在研究了带式输送机挠性摩擦传动理论的基础上,提出了增大驱动滚筒摩擦牵引力的三种途径和技术措施。经过分析比较各种措施的实用性和经济性,确定了通过设计滚筒包胶仿生结构来改善摩擦接触状态、增大摩擦因数的增摩技术方案。从生物的攀爬附着功能中获得启示,研究了以树蛙、螽斯为代表的表皮垫型附着器官的结构特点及粘附机理,提取具有共性的生物特征元素——非光滑微凸体作为滚筒包胶的仿生设计原型。基于结构和功能仿生原理,设计出四种新型滚筒包胶表面形貌,分别为:凸包均匀分布、正方形排列;凸包均匀分布、正三角形排列;菱形胶面分级结构等,并运用三维建模软件Pro/Engineer建立了仿生包胶的实体模型。在对仿生包胶的增摩防滑特性进行理论分析的基础上,应用ANSYS有限元分析软件模拟了滚筒包胶与输送带的接触行为,得到如下分析结果:滚筒包胶仿生结构与输送带之间会产生“嵌入互锁效应”,而且不同材质的凸包产生的“嵌入效应”程度不同,橡胶凸包的嵌入作用微弱,而陶瓷凸包与输送带的硬度差别较大,嵌入效应明显。接触分析结果表明:本文设计的具有六边形凸包的仿生滚筒包胶与输送带的接触过程中能够产生“嵌入互锁效应”,接触形式由原来的平面或弧面变为啮合接触,大大提高了接触稳定性,从而可以达到增大摩擦力、有效防止输送带打滑的目的。

【Abstract】 Many mechanical transmission devices making use of friction principle are widely used in industrial production. Belt conveyor is a typical application example. In order to improve its transport capacity and prevent the production accidents caused by slipping, it is significant to increase the friction between the driving drum and the belt.Based on the study of flexible friction driving theory of belt conveyors, three methods to increase the friction of the driving drum were proposed. After comparing the cost and the practicability of these measures, the technical scheme which can improve the frictional contact status by designing bionic structure of the drum’s lining was determined.Inspired from the biological function of speeling and adhesion, the structural features and adhesion mechanism of the attachment organ such as the foot pad of tree frog, katydid, were researched. The nonsmooth asperity that is a common biological feature was extracted to be the bionic design prototype of the drum’s lining. According to the biomimetic principle of structure and function, four new kinds of the lining’s surface shape were designed. The solid models of four different bionic linings were built with the software of Pro/Engineer. Based on the theoretical analysis of the non-skid property of the bionic linings, the contact process between the lining and the belt was simulated with ANSYS software. The results showed that the bionic linings could generate embedding and interlocking effect. And different materials of convex hulls generated different effects. The embedding effect of rubber convex hulls was weak, but the ceramics convex hulls’embedding and interlocking effect was obvious.The results of contact analysis indicated that the bionic drum’s linings with hexagon convex hulls could generate embedding and interlocking effect. So the contact form changed from plane or cambered surface to meshing contact. The bionic structure achieved the goal of improving contact stability, increasing friction and preventing the belt from slipping.


