

The Research of QJZ-1200/3300-8 Multi-Motor Starter Based on the PLC Control System

【作者】 邱增验

【导师】 王益红;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题来源于泰安市众诚矿山自动化有限公司的QJZ-1200/3300-8矿用隔爆兼本质安全型组合开关的电气控制部分。由于我国电压等级的提升以及各种采煤设备扩容,从客观上要求煤矿井下供电系统的电压等级从1140V提升至3300V,以符合矿用设备的技术要求。然而,由于我国技术落后等各方面原因的制约,3300V的供电设备大多依赖进口。这种设备进口价格高,技术指标也不完全满足我国煤矿设备的要求,而且维修极为不方便。在这种形势下,研究具有自主产权的3300V供电设备具有很重要的意义。本论文根据我国煤矿井下工作面的供电特点,提出了确实可行的技术方案,确定了组合开关的各项技术参数。并分别设计了本质安全型先导电路、电流保护系统、电压保护系统、漏电保护系统以及人机接口界面,从各个环节有效的保护了系统,保证煤矿生产的安全。本文的主要内容由以下几部分构成:第一,在漏电方面本文设计了组合开关启动之前的漏电检测,运行之中的漏电保护以及高压绝缘检测三部分。三者分别对主系统、主接触器以及主电缆的绝缘水平进行检测,确保了煤矿设备的用电安全。第二,本系统设计了电流保护系统,分别对系统的过电流故障做了保护。过载回路采用了电流反时限的算法,保证了短路电流与动作时间的可靠性。短路回路采用了相敏保护原理,线性地反应了电流与电压之间的关系。第三,在过压保护系统中,本文分别对暂态过电压以及稳态过电压分别做了保护。确定了电路的参数,以更好的防止干扰的发生。第四,人机接口方面本设计采用了LG公司的XP70触摸屏,设置了各项通信参数,进行了与PLC系统的组态设计,使之能够准确的显示各单元的工况。系统的软件环境XG5000允许用户对同一项目中的多个PLC程序进行编辑,监控和管理并且程序可根据需要分为扫描程序和任务程序。模块化程序设计方法使得程序更加便于调试,修改和移植。

【Abstract】 The research project in this thesis is an electric control part of QJZ-1200/3300-8 Mine Combined Switch, which is coming from Taian Zhong Cheng Mine Automation Co.LTD. As voltage rating promotion and variety of coal mining equipment expand power in our country, From objective requires that the power supply system of voltage of the coal machinery from 1140 levels to 3300, to meet the technical requirements of Mining equipment. However, as our technological backwardness and so on, the supply of equipment about 3300v are mostly dependent on imported. This equipment import prices high, and Technical requirements are not fully satisfy the requirements of our coal mining equipment, And maintenance is not convenient. Based on this case, It is very important to develop the Mine Combined Switch of own property.The research according to the characteristics of our country coal,find the best technology solution, Establish a combination of various techniques and parameters and design the intrinsically safe circuit of the pilot circuit、impressed-current protection system、opposed-voltage protective system、Leakage protection system and human-computer interface, From the effective protection system, ensure the safety of the coal production.The following parts made up the main contents of this thesisFirstly, in the part of Leakage protection system, this thesis design three parts which is the leakage tests before start, the leakage protection when the equipment running, and high Voltage insulation monitoring. In three ways to test the switch to ensure the safety in coal mining equipment.Secondly, designed the current protection system, which protect the system no overload problem, The phase-sensitive methods of protection that used in the current protection systems, and ensure short-circuit current and time of action reliability. short-circuit used the method of phase detection, linear out the relationship between voltage and current.Thirdly, in voltage protective system, this system deal with the Transient overvoltage fault and steady-state Voltage fault. Which sets the circuit parameters, to better meet the requirements of the equipment of mine. Fourthly, Man-machine interface uses touch screen XP70 of LG Company. We set every communication parameters, and configurates with PLC system, That can reliably display states of every unit。System software environment XG500 allows the user to edit, monitor and manage a number of PLC programs in a same project. Procedures can be divided into scanning procedures and tasks procedures. Modular design makes the procedures more user-friendly way to debug, modify, and transplant.

  • 【分类号】TD611.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】231

