

The Project Designing and the Programming Research of Wastewater Reused in the Development Area of Huangdao

【作者】 崔丹

【导师】 程建光; 詹超;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黄岛是青岛市的经济技术开发区,目前,淡水资源短缺和水污染严重成为开发区发展的制约因素已经是不争的事实,而中水回用是解决这一问题的重要途径。在系统总结国内外中水回用的经验、技术及工艺的基础上,本次设计以黄岛开发区为研究对象,全面分析了开发区实施中水回用的必要性及可行性。在此背景下,本设计将中水做为第二水源,提出了黄岛中水回用工程的方案设计及规划,为开发区缓解水资源矛盾和减轻水污染提供参考。首先,通过对开发区排水区域和中水用户调研,与开发区三个污水处理厂相对应,本次设计将开发区划分为三个区域,分别为镰湾河区域、唐岛湾区域和龙泉河区域。其次,在区域划分的基础上,按照污水收集、处理、输送、用户管理的思路,本次设计将开发区中水系统划分为污水收集系统、中水处理系统、中水输配系统和用户用水管理系统,并依次设计,提出了开发区中水系统的规划。并且,通过比较论证,针对每个区域的实际情况,本文单独设计了镰湾河区域、唐岛湾区域和龙泉河区域的中水收集体系、处理规模、回用途径、再生水处理工艺流程、再生水处理设备、所采用的絮凝剂及消毒方法。同时,本次设计针对每个区域依次设计了管网的布置方式、管网最大流量及最不利点水头等。最后,本论文对黄岛的中水回用工程进行了经济评价和效益分析,得出本工程财务评价效益较好,国民经济评价效益显著,通过计算证明了中水回用工程可以为黄岛开发区带来巨大的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益,因此该工程是可行的。

【Abstract】 HuangDao is the economic and technological development zone of QingDao. Nowadays, it is the fact that the shortage of water and water pollution restrict the development of HuangDao. Water reused is the main way tothe problem.On the basis of a systematic summary of domestic and international experience and technology and processes in water reused,the design takes HuangDao as the research object, analyzes the necessity and feasibility of implementation of water reuse. Under this background, this issue makes the wastewater as a second water source, puts forward the project designning and programming of water reuse in HuangDao,provides reference on mitigating water conflicts and reducing water pollution for the developing area.Firstly, through the research of drainfield and users, the design divides HuangDao into three fields which is Lan Wanhe field, Tang Daowan field, Long Quanhe field respectively, corresponding with three sewage treating plants in the area.Secondly, on the basis of field dividing, according to collection、processing、delivery and user management, the design divides the wastewater reuse system into sewerage collecting system、treating system、transmission and distribution system and management system, and designs in turn, goes along the programming for the water reuse system in HuangDao. Besides, for the actual situation of each field, the issue designs collecting system、the treating scale、reuse means、process flow、treating equipment、adopted flocculant and disinfection method for every field.At the same time, the issue design every field’s pipe network,including the layout、maximum flow and the most negative point of hydraulic pressure and so on..Finally, the paper carrys through the economic evaluation and benefit analysis on water reuse project in HuangDao, educing that the financial evaluation is cost-effective and the national economic evaluation is significantly beneficial. Furthermore, it is proved that wastewater reuse project can bring about huge economic benefits、environmental benefits and social benefits for HuangDao. Consequently this project is feasible.


