

Study on Legal Issues in Ngos’ Involvement of Environmental Protection in China

【作者】 窦会静

【导师】 朱玉玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济的高速发展,政策氛围的日渐宽松以及公民意识的不断觉醒,上世纪90年代中后期,中国非政府组织开始崛起并发展,它们在不同领域,尤其是环境保护领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。“政府失灵”、“市场失灵”理论的提出,“公众参与”理论的兴起与发展,以及我国相关执政理念的出台,为非政府组织参与环境保护提供了理论依据。非政府组织通过政府、企业、公民等多种途径参与环境保护,具有自由灵活、专业化等特点,便于整合社会力量,在功能上具有明显的优势,其参与环保,无论从理论还是实践层面都具有可行性。2008年中国环保联合会发表《中国环保民间组织现状调查报告》蓝皮书。调查显示目前我国民间环保组织发展迅速,但面临着诸多方面的困境,严重制约了非政府组织的发展。这些困难的存在主要源于我国相关法律体系不健全、立法层次低且滞后。在国外一些发达国家,非政府组织参与环保实践较早,法律制度也较为健全,能为我国提供有益启示。近年来,我国对非政府组织的重视程度日渐加强,政府部门陆续就有关法律法规的修订召开座谈会。两会期间,有不少代表提出对非政府组织进行专门立法的建议,相关法律法规正在陆续出台、逐步完善。针对我国非政府组织在环保参与中面临的问题,结合我国立法现状,并借鉴国外发达国家的先进制度与成熟做法,有必要从环境权利制度、登记监管制度、财政税收制度等方面对相关法律制度进行重新构建。

【Abstract】 The late 90s of last century, Chinese NGOs have begun to emerge and develop with China’s rapid development of economic, increasing stringent of policy environment, and the continuous awakening of citizens’awareness. They are playing an increasingly important role in different areas, especially in the field of environmental protection. The rise and development of "Government Failure" and "Market Failure", the introduction of "Public Participation" and China’s related concept of governance, provide a theoretical basis to the involvement of NGOs in environmental protection.China Environment Federation issued a "Report on the status of China’s environmental NGOs " in 2008. Survey results indicate that China’s NGOs develop rapidly but face many aspects of difficulties, seriously restrict the development of NGOs. These difficulties are mainly because that the relevant legal system in China is not perfect, low-level and delay. In Some foreign countries, the involvement of NGOs in environmental protection is very early, the legal system is stronger, they can provide useful insights for China.In recent years, there is a increasing emphasis on the NGOs in China, many government departments held forums seeking advice to amend the relevant laws and regulations. During the two sessions, many delegates made recommendations of special legislation on NGOs, relevant laws and regulations are being consummate gradually, In view of the issues that China’s NGOs faced in environmental protection, the present conditions of legislation and the advanced experiences abroad, we have to perfect the current regulation in the aspects of environmental rights, registration and management, capital tax.

  • 【分类号】D922.68;D632
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】265
  • 攻读期成果

