

Analysis of Contact on Multi-parameter Modified Planar Double-enveloping Worm Pairs

【作者】 王闯

【导师】 王小林;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 机械工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以斜平面二次包络环面蜗杆副为研究对象,在空间啮合理论的基础上,推论出三参数修正的啮合方程、接触线方程、蜗轮齿面方程。修正型蜗杆副公认存在两种接触线型式Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型.通过理论推导和仿真计算,做出了在蜕变点瞬时将出现一包接触线“复现”在齿面上,并将复现时刻的接触线定义为Ⅲ型接触线,Ⅲ型接触线出现在齿面上时,Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型必然同时出现在Ⅲ型接触线的前后瞬时,并用动画仿真演示了三种接触线型式的演变过程。对不同型式的接触线进行性能分析,并讨论了单参数修正及三参数组成的混合修正时,不同的修正量下接触线变化规律及啮合性能的比较。分析了蜗杆副的误差对蜗杆副的性能影响,通过理论研究得到了修正型二次包络环面蜗杆副轴向安装误差时齿面上接触线型式的判断方法:使用MATLAB软件求解Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型二界函数曲线,得出I型接触线簇构成的蜗轮曲面存在两条二界曲线,即蜗轮齿面上存在两个二界点,而Ⅱ型接触线簇不存包络线,不存在二界点。针对三参数修正下二界曲线方程,进行化简求解,得出判断存在二界点的方程,根据方程值的正负及是否为零来判断二界点的个数进而判断接触线的型式。用动画仿真演示了存在轴向误差时Ⅲ型接触线在蜗轮齿面上的演化过程及接触线的转化规律。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, planar double-enveloping worm gear pairs is the research object, combined with space Meshing theory, derived from the multi-parameter modification of the mesh equation . The contact line type of original type Worm were analysised, Contact line type of amend-type worm gear pair were recognized are typeⅠand typeⅡT hrough the point of theoretical research of transformation point , the instantaneous contact line of the transformation point will appear first-enveloping contact line in the tooth surface, before and after the transformation point of the instantaneous were typeⅠandⅡcontact line in the tooth surface, the contact line type is defined as the typeⅢ. animation instantaneous contact line of the typeⅢhas rendered the processDifferent types of contact line performance analysis and discussion of the single parameter modification and amendment of three parameters simultaneously, the changing of the contact line and meshing performance comparison under different correction variation,The oretical research was supported by Modified Double Enveloping Worm Gear tooth surface when the axial misalignment of the contact line type judging method: using MATLAB software to solveⅠandⅡtype 2 boundary curves, there are two curves of I-type worm gear surface contact line, there are not two curves ofⅡ-type worm gear surface contact line. Under the three-parameter correction for the second boundary curve to determine the second boundary point then determine the number of contact line of type. Simulation with animation shows the existence of axial error of typeⅢcontact line in the worm tooth surface contact line evolution and transformation rules

【关键词】 二次包络接触型式三参数
【Key words】 double-envelopingcontact patternthree-paramete

