

Geological Characteristics of Shazigou Mo Deposit in Neimenggu Taipusiqi

【作者】 郭方方

【导师】 王万军; 司荣军;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 地质资源与地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 钼是一种重要的战略性资源,广泛应用于高新技术领域。沙子沟钼矿床位于华北地台北缘正镶白旗—多伦多金属成矿区内,为近年发现的矿产地,研究程度较低。通过资料收集与分析、野外踏勘、光、薄片鉴定、微量元素测试、包裹体成分测试、稳定同位素分析等,系统地研究了矿床地质特征,初步探讨了矿床成因。取得以下成果:1、矿床赋存于白云鄂博群变质岩中,为一隐伏矿床。由四个矿化带共计32个矿体组成。矿化带呈60°-70°展布,平面上多呈舒缓波状弯曲。控制的矿化范围长500m,宽700m,矿体呈层状、似层状,矿石具自形—半自形晶、他形晶结构,浸染状构造。主要矿石矿物辉钼矿呈细脉状、星点状分布。2、成矿过程划分为热液成矿期、表生期,其中热液成矿期进一步划分为石英—黑钨矿、石英—辉钼矿—黄铁矿、石英—硫化物三个成矿阶段,石英—辉钼矿—黄铁矿阶段是主要的成矿阶段。3、矿石中的黄铁矿δ34S=6.7‰~7.1‰,平均6.9‰,指示硫来自深部岩浆。成矿流体属硅酸盐熔融体+金属组份型,推断成矿流体主要为岩浆水。矿床成因类型属于石英脉型钼矿床。以上成果对于沙子沟钼矿床的深部勘探及外围找矿具有指导意义,并进一步丰富了华北地块北缘多金属成矿带的成矿理论。

【Abstract】 Molybdenum is an important strategic resources, widely used in high-tech fields. Located in the Zhengxiangbaiqi-Duolun polymetallic (Au-Pb-Zn) ,northern margin of the North China platform ,The newly discovered Shazigou Mo deposit have a low research. Through the data collection, analysis methods of field investigation, thin section identification,trace elements, compositions of fluid inclusions and stable isotope, study geological characteristics and discuss the genesis of Shazigou Mo deposit.the following achievement have been obtained:1、The deposit occurs in metamorphic rocks of Baiyunebo group. It is composed of four mineralized zones, they are typically between 60 and 70 degree,almost near the level of relief wavy spread,and about 500 meters long,700 meters thick,Ore bodies are like thick layer, The ore typically shows granular structure, disseminated structures. Molybdenite shows thin vein-like, star-shaped points .2、Process was divided into hydrothermal ore mineralization period supergene stage, Hydrothermal mineralization is further divided into quartz - wolframite, quartz - molybdenite - pyrite, quartz - sulfide ore-forming three stage, quartz - molybdenite - pyrite mineralization stage is the main stage.3、δ34S=6.7‰~7.1‰, the average value of 34S in pyrite is 6.9‰c the sulfur came mainly from the deep magma. Composition of fluid inclusions is type of silicate melt and metal component,Infer magmatic water is the main ore-forming fluid.The genetic type of siderite deposit belongs to quartz-vein Mo deposit .The study can not only guide the deep exploration and external prospecting, but also conducive to the northern margin of North China block-rich polymetallic metallogenic belt theory.

【关键词】 沙子沟钼矿床地质特征矿床成因石英脉型
【Key words】 ShazigouMo depositcharacteristicsgenesisquartz-vein

