

Research on Gas-geological Rules and Outburst Regional Prediction in Changhong Mine

【作者】 赵萌

【导师】 魏风清;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 矿业工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 煤与瓦斯突出是地应力、瓦斯、煤的物理力学性质等因素综合作用的结果,受地质条件控制,煤与瓦斯突出的发生呈区域性分布,瓦斯突出区域性预测要以瓦斯地质为基础。在长虹公司地质勘探时期的瓦斯地质资料统计,以及二1煤层瓦斯基础参数测定成果的基础上,运用瓦斯地质学的研究方法总结了该区二1煤层瓦斯的赋存特征和瓦斯地质规律;在矿井瓦斯地质规律的基础上,分析得出了影响矿井二1煤层瓦斯含量的主要地质因素:煤层埋藏深度、煤层厚度、地质构造、煤层厚度变化;用数量化理论Ⅰ的方法,将影响瓦斯含量的地质因素量化,建立起长虹井田二1煤层瓦斯含量的预测模型;使用Eviews软件对瓦斯含量预测模型进行了求解,对全井田二1煤层瓦斯含量进行了预测,通过回代检验和精度评价,证明了运用数量化理论Ⅰ量化地质因素预测煤层瓦斯含量的可行性;从瓦斯地质角度对长虹公司二1煤层煤与瓦斯的突出现象进行了分析,确定了长虹公司二1煤层煤与瓦斯突出区域预测指标及临界值,最后对该矿的突出危险区域与非突出危险区域进行了划分。

【Abstract】 Coal and gas outburst is the synthesize result of stress,gas,coal physics mechanics etc. Moreover it was found that where coal and gas outburst controlled by geological factors occur have the characteristic of regional distribution,so outburst regional prediction must be based on gas-geology.According to statistical analysis of the gas-geology data during geological exploration and basal parameters measured ofⅡ1 coal seam in Changhong Mine,the author found the coalbed gas reserve characteristic and gas-geology rules in the region to be studied by using gas-geology research methods. On the basis of gas-geology rules in Changhong Mine,found several main gas-geology factors which have effect on coalbed gas content ofⅡ1 coal seam,such as coalbed burial depth,seam thickness,geologic structure,seam thickness variation. According to theory of quantificationⅠ,make those gas-geology factors which have effect on coalbed gas content quantitative,and then establish mathematical predict model ofⅡ1 coalbed gas content in Changhong Mine.By using Eviews5.0,slove the mathematical predict model,and have a prediction ofⅡ1 coalbed gas content in Changhong Mine.After back to the generation of test and accuracy assessment,prove that to predict coalbed gas content according to theory of quantificationⅠis feasible. Under the research on coal and gas outburst mechanism ofⅡ1 coal seam in Changhong Mine,found prediction index and critical value for coal and gas outburst area,at final coal and gas outburst area is partitioned in Changhong Mine.


