

On Ideological and Political Work for Unemployed University Graduates Group

【作者】 许春艳

【导师】 谢东方;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文在调查研究的基础上,对未就业大学毕业生群体的思想政治现状,加强未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治工作的主要思路进行了探讨和研究。未就业大学毕业生群体是社会转型过程中出现的特殊的群体,该群体思想政治现状表现出政治认同度较低、人生态度积极性不足、道德认知出现偏差、择业观理性不足、心理素质弱等特征。开展未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治工作,纠正未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治偏差,促进其就业、发展,是思想政治工作重要政治优势的根本体现,也是构建和谐社会、实施人才强战略,彰显社会公平与正义、体现责任政府的需要。当前,未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治工作受到重视程度不足、深入研究不足、责任分工不明等因素的制约。依据未就业大学毕业生群体特征和思想政治现状实际,未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治工作的根本目标是促进其全面发展,现实目标是提升其积极性、主动性和创造性,工作中应遵循政治性、民主平等、虚实结合的根本原则,注重运用理论灌输、实践锻炼、疏导教育、网络熏陶等根本方法,教育内容重在强化政治观、道德观、就业观、心理健康、创造观教育。针对未就业大学毕业生群体特殊、居住分散、人员流动频繁,思想政治工作因对象、场域、载体难以固定而开展困难的实际,创新思想政治工作的思路是:明确党对未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治工作的核心领导,健全未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治工作组织机构;重点以高校为依托、社区为阵地、网络为载体,创新开展工作,建构高校未就业大学毕业生思想政治工作机构,利用高校有利资源,突出情感教育、网络教育、就业帮抚,加强思想政治工作队伍建设;规范社区未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治工作制度、明确教育内容,组建工作队伍;建构全国一体的未就业大学毕业生群体思想政治工作网,突出网络思想政治工作优势特色,明确网络思想政治工作主要内容,提升网络思想政治工作队伍素质。

【Abstract】 On the basis of investigation , this thesis discusses and studies the ideological and political status of the unemployed university graduates group and main ideals as how to enhance the ideological and political work for the unemployed university graduates group.The unemployed university graduates group is a special group during the process of social transformation. This group has such characteristics as low political recognition in their ideological and political status, inadequate positive attitude towards life, deviation of moral understanding, lack of rational concept on career choosing, and weak psychological quality.Correcting their political and ideological bias and promoting their employment and development are the fundamental expression of ideological and political work’s important political advantages. At the same time, from the view of building a harmonious society, implementing the strategy of building up the strength of the country with talented people, highlighting social equity and justice, demonstrating the duty of responsible government, it is of great significance to strengthen ideological and political work for the unemployed university graduates group. At present, the ideological and political work for the unemployed university graduates group is affected by inadequate attention, lack of deep research, unclear division of responsibilities.According to the characteristics and the ideological and political status of the unemployed university graduates group, the fundamental goal of ideological and political work for the unemployed university graduates group is to promote their all-around development and the realistic goal is to enhance their enthusiasm , initiative and creativity .During ideological and political work, such fundamental principles as being political, democracy, equality and combination of network education and realistic education should be followed, methods such as theory indoctrination, practical training, dredging education and nurturing through network should be put on enough emphasis, and political outlook, outlook on ethics, employment, innovation and psychological health should be strengthened in the content of the education.Due to the unemployed university graduates group’s a special group ,scattered residences, changeable territories, frequent mobility, multi-personnel structure and the difficulty in getting ideological and political work’s object, work field and carrier fixed, innovative ideas of ideological and political work are: to make sure the core leadership of the ideological and political work to the unemployed university graduates group, to establish the ideological and political work organization for the group of them; to carry out ideological and political work of them based on the universities as rely, community as positions and network as carriers. The main measures are to construct the organization of the ideological and political work to the unemployed college students in the universities, to highlight the emotional education, network education, employment help and the team building of the ideological and political work with the help of beneficial resources in the universities; to norm the work system of the ideological and political work to the unemployed university graduates in the community, to clear the contents of education and to form the work team for it; to build a national network of the ideological and political work teams for the unemployed university graduates group; to highlight the advantages of network characteristics of ideological and political work, to clear the main contents of the ideological and political work in the internet and to construct the work team for the ideological and political work in it.


