

Visualizing Technology and Its Research on Mine Fire Accident and Rescue

【作者】 武炜

【导师】 景国勋;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 矿业工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 建立矿山可视化救援系统可以增强救援活动的有效性,提高救援效率,对提高矿山的安全管理水平及工作效率、指导矿山救援、保障矿山生产安全等具有重要意义。本文以煤矿火灾应急救援人员逃生流程为研究对象,研究了火灾救援人员逃生可视化系统,形成了一套较为规范的可视化系统理论。为今后可视化矿井的研究和类似项目的开发奠定了理论基础。采用可视化技术可以虚拟出矿井下三维巷道形态,对煤矿火灾救援、人员逃生具有重要意义。本文主要内容如下:(1)介绍了可视化仿真的概念,特征,建模方法和关键技术,为以后煤矿井下火灾人员逃生可视化系统的研究提供了理论技术支持。(2)以山西潞安集团常村煤矿为例,建立了火灾救援系统表和人员逃生系统表,存放于煤矿井下火灾救援、人员逃生数据库中。(3)基于MVC设计模式,采用XML技术,对数据结构和组织进行动态配置管理。并构建了山西潞安集团常村煤矿井下火灾事故人员逃生可视化数据管理模式。(4)采用OpenGL作为程序接口,并进行编程设计,模拟出山西潞安集团常村煤矿井下巷道的三维图象。(5)采用UML建模语言对常村矿进行可视化系统设计。(6)最后利用vega创建粒子系统来模拟火灾变化过程和利用vgDIGuy模块仿真矿工火灾期间逃生,实现了煤矿井下火灾事故人员逃生可视化。本文提出了可视化技术在煤矿井下火灾事故人员逃生中的应用研究,从而可以有助于提高救援、人员逃生的速度和效率。因此,把可视化技术应用到矿山火灾人员逃生中来,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

【Abstract】 Established visualizing system of rescuing can improve validity of rescuing, and effectiveness of it, it has significant meaning. It can enhance management level of safety and work efficiency, instruct rescue of mine, guarantee safe operation of the mine and so on.The research of the essay is process of mine of fire emergency-rescue and escape of coalman,made a study of system of fire emergency-rescue and escape of coalman,and formed a regularr theory of visualizing system. It established the theoretical foundation for research of visualizing mine and project.Three-dimensional laneway can be virtualized by visualizing technology,it has significant for rescuing of mine fire and escape of coalman.The main content is just as below:(1)The article introduced the concept of visualizing simulation,characteristic,modeling method and key technology, provided support of theoretical technology for the research of system of coal-mine fire and escape of coalman.(2)To cite as an example of shan xi lu an chang chun mine,established tab system of fire emergency-rescue and escape of coalman,saved in the database of mine of fire emergency-rescue and escape of coalman.(3)Based on MVC design pattern,adopted XML technology,dynamic management to data structure and organization,and established visualizing data management mode on visualizing system of coal-mine fire and escape of coalman of shan xi lu an chang chun mine.(4)Adopted OpenGL as programming interface,and to program,simulated laneway of three-dimensional picture shan xi lu an chang chun mine.(5)Adopted UML modeling languages to design visualizing system of chang chun mine.(6)At last,adopted vega to create particle system to simulate process of change of fire and adopted vgDIGuy module to simulate escape of miner during the fire,realized visualization of coal-mine fire and escape of coalman.The essay make mention of visualizing technology and its research on mine fire accident and rescue,improved the rate and efficiency of rescue and escape of coalman.Therefore,take visualizing technology into rescue of mine,and have important theoretical significance and utility value.


