

Study on Microbial Reactor of Flue Gas Desulfurization

【作者】 马岩岩

【导师】 徐建平;

【作者基本信息】 安徽工程大学 , 微生物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 燃煤是我国目前取得能源的主要方式之一,可是因为燃煤造成的二氧化硫污染一直是困扰我国环境的一大难题。我国燃煤产生的二氧化硫废气的处理方式仍以石灰石碱液收法为主,这种的脱硫方式存在设备投资高,副产物难以处理造成新的环境污染等缺点,因此必须尽快探寻一种新的脱硫模式。生物脱硫以其设备投资简单,无副产物,运行费用低等优点成为目前研究较广泛的一种脱硫新方法,由于目前的研究不够深入大部分都停留在在理论阶段,所以离实际应用还存在较多问题。本文在研究脱硫菌(硫酸盐还原菌)的最佳培养条件、菌种的驯化及初步脱硫研究、吸附固定化及最佳条件的基础上,实验室制作了一套生物脱硫反应器,并进行了二氧化硫废气处理模拟研究,最后利用数据分析软件进行了处理参数优化。本文主要研究内容和结论如下:硫酸盐还原菌是革兰氏阴性菌,最佳培养条件为:接种生物量10%、培养基pH=7.0、温度35℃、培养时间60h;硫酸盐还原菌能以甲酸钠、乙酸钠、乙醇、丙酸钠、乳酸、葡萄糖等有机物作为电子供体进行硫酸盐的还原转化;硫酸盐还原菌可以利用硫酸盐,亚硫酸盐和硫代硫酸盐作为电子受体,但是不能利用单质硫作为电子受体;该菌种有明显的脱硫能力,而且经过二氧化硫通气驯化后脱硫率有了明显提高从42.6%提高到了72.5%。生物陶粒是脱硫菌的理想载体,吸附能力可以达到23.6mg/g,用生物陶粒吸附固定化脱硫菌种的最佳生物接种量为10%,最佳pH值在6.5到7.5之间,而且实验结果表明:陶粒和培养基相互作用可以使培养基向6.5到7.5变化,这也印证了该生物陶粒是固定化脱硫菌的理想载体。经过固定化后的脱硫菌脱硫能力较之没固定化之前提高了20.7%,达到了87.3%。自制了一套生物脱硫反应器,以生物陶粒为脱硫菌载体进行挂膜脱硫实验,结果表明在陶粒填装高度为400mm和循环液亚铁离子为1.0g/L时对反应器脱硫运行有最好的促进作用。在单因素对反应器脱硫率影响的实验中,最佳条件为:S02入口浓度小于1500 mg/m3,入口气体流量小于100 L/h,循环液喷淋量15L/h和循环液pH值7.0,脱硫率最高可以保持在90%以上最后用SAS数据分析软件设计了响应面分析实验,进行了生物反应器脱硫参数优化,并得到了以脱硫率为响应值的方程:经过优化后的生物反应器最佳工作参数为SO2入口浓度值923.55mg/m3,入口气体流量值90.225L/h,循环液喷淋量13.8837 L/h和循环液pH值7.1172,在最佳参数下反应器脱硫率可以达到95%以上,利用反应器方程可以模拟现实条件下环境的变化对脱硫塔以及脱硫率的影响,为生物脱硫的中试研究以至实际应用提供了一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 At present, coal is the main way to obtain energy in China, but the SO2 pollution caused by coal burning has been a major environmental problem. The most popular way to treatment SO2 pollution is still the limestone lye absorption method,but this treatment mode exists shortcoming such as high equipment investment, difficult disposal by-product etc.So,we must pursue a kind of new desulfurization mode as soon as possible.Biological desulfurization has became a new technical developing broadly because of its simple equipment investment,no by-product,low operate expense and so on.But most research are at primary stage,we have many problems to solve before practical application.This paper studied the optimal culture conditions of desulfurization bacterium (sulfate reducing bacteria,SRB),the bateria domesticated and the preliminary study of desulfurization, absorb immobilization and the best condition,on this basis,we have made a set of biological desulfurization reactor in the lab and carried on the simulation study of dealing with SO2 waste gas. At last we utilized data analysis software to handle parameter optimize.The main research contents and conclusion in this paper as follows:Sulfate reducing bacteria are Gram-negative bacteria,the optimal culture condition of SRB is inoculation amount 10%, pH=7.0, temperature 35℃and culture time 60h, SRB are able to use sodium formate, ethanol, propionate, lactate, glucose and other organic compounds as electron donors for sulfate reduction transformation; SRB can use sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate as electron acceptor, but can not use sulfur as electron acceptor.It’s ablity of SO2 removal rate was 42.6% without domesticated, but through the domesticated by ventilate SO2,the tremoval rate had markly improved to 72.5%.Bio-ceramic is an ideal carrier for desulfurization bacterium, adsorption capacity can up to 23.6mg/g.Use the bio-ceramic to absorb the immobilized desulfurization bacteica,the best bacteria inoculum was 10%,the best pH value was from 6.5 to 7.5.And the result show that:bio-ceramic and medium interaction can make medium pH change toward 6.5 to 7.5,and this confirmed that the bio-ceramic is the ideal carrier for desulfurization bacterium.After immobilized,the bacteria’s SO2 removal rate has increased to 87.3%,20.7% higher than pre-immobilized.Made a set of biological desulfurization reactor,used the bio-ceramic as the absorb carrier for the bacteria to membrane desulfurization experiment.The result shows that:when the bio-ceramic filled height of 400mm and the Fe2+ concentration in recycling liquid was 1.0g/L,can promoted the SO2 removal rate of the reactor. In the single factor effect on the desulfurization rate experiment,the best condition were:the inlet concentration of SO2 less than 1500mg/m3,the inlet gas flow less than 100L/h,the volume of circulating liquid spray 15 L/h,and the circulating liquid pH was 7.0,the highest rate of desulfurization can be maintained more than 90%.Finally,we used the SAS data analysis software to design the response surface experiment,optimized the desulfurization parameters of bioreactor,obtained the desulfurization rate of response’s equation:After the optimization,the optimum operating parameters were:the inlet concentration of SO2 was 923.55mg/m3,the inlet gas flow was 90.225L/h,the volume of circulating liquid was 13.8837L/h,and the circulating liquid pH was 7.1172.Under this conditions, the desulfurization rate of the bioreactor can reach more than 95%.With the reactor equation we can simulated the effect of the desulfurization tower and the desulfurization rate which change in the environment condition.It provided the reference value to the biological desulfurization as well as the practical application.

  • 【分类号】X701.3
  • 【下载频次】176

