

【作者】 刘金波

【导师】 周玲;

【作者基本信息】 南京医科大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的(1)了解南京地区流动人口性病/艾滋病知识、态度、行为(KAP)现状及影响因素。(2)对南京地区流动人口进行不同方式的性病/艾滋病知识健康教育干预并比较效果。方法整群抽取南京地区3家工厂、1个建筑工地、1所高校及1个农贸市场的流动人口,采用自行设计的调查问卷,进行人口学特征、性病/艾滋病KAP方面的问卷调查,了解其掌握水平,通过单因素分析与多元logistic回归分析其影响因素。在现况调查的基础上,将调查对象分为4个干预组和1个对照组,干预组分别采用录像、讲座、手册及复合方式进行健康教育,采用χ2检验、GLM方法比较各干预组干预前后及不同干预组间及对照组间性病/艾滋病知识的知晓率差异。结果( 1)826名被调查者的性病相关知识知晓率为57.58%,多因素Logistic回归分析显示,女性得高分的比例是男性的0.367倍;文化程度每高一个等级者得高分的比例是低一个等级者的1.424倍;20岁~、30岁~年龄组高分比例分别是<20岁组的1.707、3.544倍;务工1.67年~,2.33年~,3.67年~者的高分比例是<1.67年者的1.901倍,1.453倍,1.911倍;婚姻状况与性病知识得分水平无统计学联系。(2)被调查者艾滋病相关知识知晓率51.55%。艾滋病的主要传播途径知晓率高达83.82%,但对于非传播途径知晓率为33.26%。多因素Logistic回归分析显示:女性得高分的比例是男性的0.516倍;文化程度每增高一个等级,得高分的比例是低一个等级者的1.211倍;20岁~、30岁~年龄组高分比例分别是<20岁组1.918倍和1.343倍。(3)被调查者预防性病/艾滋病相关态度正确率为52.28%。19.67%的被调查者每次使用安全套,42.62%偶尔使用,其中,用于避孕、预防性病和艾滋病目的者分别为73.36%、49.59%和35.25%。(4)被调查者通过电视、报纸、杂志传统媒体获取相关信息。(5)4个干预组(录像、讲座、手册、复合)干预后性病知识总知晓率较干预前分别上升12.68%、14.90%和7.24%、12.35%(P<0.0001)。录像组、讲座组、手册组性病知识总知晓率均高于对照组(F值分别为13.86、18.29、5.66,P<0.05)。讲座组与录像组的总知晓率显著高于手册组(F值分别为4.20、8.19,P<0.05),录像组与讲座组总知晓率差异无统计学意义(F值0.57,P>0.05)。复合干预组在干预前、单一方式干预后(录像、讲座或手册方式)、复合方式干预后性病知识知晓率分别是63.23%、72.19%、75.84%(χ2趋势=16.67,P<0.05)。(6)4个干预组(录像、讲座、手册、复合)干预后,艾滋病相关知识总知晓率较干预前分别上升11.97%、17.53%和9.68%、13.9%(P<0.0001)。录像组、讲座组、手册组艾滋病知识知晓率均高于对照组(F值分别为6.15、19.78、5.84,P<0.05)。讲座组知晓率显著高于录像组、手册组(F值分别为7.82、9.37,P<0.05),录像组与手册组的知晓率差异无统计学意义(F值为0.02,P>0.05)。复合干预组在干预前、单一方式干预后(录像、讲座或手册方式)、复合方式干预后总知晓率分别是54.46%、64.18%、68.43%(χ2趋势=7.02,P<0.05)。(7)4个干预组(录像、讲座、手册、复合)干预后态度正确率较干预前分别上升7.50%和10.21%、9.44%、7.61%(P<0.0001)。录像、讲座、手册三组的态度正确率差异均无统计学意义(P >0.05)。复合干预组在干预前、单一方式干预后(录像、讲座或手册方式)、复合方式干预后预防性病/艾滋病态度正确率分别是52.87%、59.13%、60.48%(χ2趋势= 4.73,P<0.05)。(8)安全套的使用率各组干预后与干预前相比,干预后各组构成比无差异(P>0.05)。结论南京地区流动人口中,性病/艾滋病知识较低,女性及低文化层次者更低,需要在流动人口中开展针对性的性病/艾滋病知识健康教育。在流动人口持续开展以讲座为主的多种方式结合的性病/艾滋病知识健康教育,可有效提高其知晓率。

【Abstract】 Objectives (1)To know about the KAP (knowledge,attitude and practice) of the floating population in Nanjing area about STD/AIDS, and analyze the influencing factors.(2)To compare the effects of difference health education programs on STD/AIDS knowledge among floating population in Nanjing.Methods The subjects including the floating population in three factories,one building site,one university and one farm produce market were selected by cluster sampling. A questionnaire was designed and used to investigate the demological information of floating population and their KAP on STD/AIDS. One factor analysis and multivariant logistic regression were conducted to analyze the influencing factors. On the basis of the prevalence survey, the subjects were divided into 5 groups(4 interventions and 1 control group).The intervention groups were educationed with video, lecture, handbook and integrated intervention. The knowledge levels of each group before and after intervention,and those between groups were compared byχ2 test and GLM.Results (1)The awareness rate of 826 respondents about knowledge of STD was 57.58%. The results of multivariant logistic regression showed that the probability of high awareness rate among female respondents was 0.367 as high as that among male, the probability among higher educational level respondents 1.424 times as high as that among lower educational level respondents, the probability among respondents in their twenties and thirties 1.707 and 3.544 times respectively as high as that among respondents under twenty. No statistical significance was obtained in the awareness rates between people of different marital status.(2)The awareness rate of 826 respondents about knowledge of AIDS was 51.55%, that about aids transmission 83.82%, but that about non-AIDS transmission only 33.26%. The results of multivariant logistic regression showed that the probability of high awareness rate among female respondents was 0.516 as high as that among male, the probability among higher educational level respondents 1.211 times as high as that among lower educational level respondents, the probability among respondents in their twenties and thirties 1.918 and 1.343 times respectively as high as that among respondents under twenty.(3)The correctness rate of respondents about STD/AIDS attitude was 52.28%. 19.67% of respondents used condom while having sex every time and 42.62% used occasionally. Among them, 73.36%, 49.59% and 35.25% used condom respectively to contracept, prevent STD and prevent AIDS.(4)The respondents acquired the information about STD/AIDS through the traditional media such as TV, newspaper and magazine.(5)The awareness rates of video, lecture, handbook and integrated intervention groups about STD knowledge increased by 12.68%, 14.90%, 7.24%, and 12.35% respectively(P < 0.0001). The awareness rates of intervention groups were higher than that of control group(F value: 3.86, 18.29, and 5.66,P<0.05). The awareness rates of lecture,video groups were obviously higher than that of handbook group(F value: 4.20 and 8.19; P<0.05). No statistical significance was obtained in the awareness rate difference between the video and lecture group(F value: 0.57,P>0.05). The awareness rate of integrated group was increased gradually(χ2趋势=16.67,P<0.05).(6)The awareness rates of video, lecture, and handbook intervention groups about AIDS knowledge increased by 11.97%, 17.53%, 9.68% and 13.9% ( P<0.0001) respectively. The awareness rates of intervention groups were higher than that of control group(F value: 6.15, 19.78, and 5.84,P<0.05). The awareness rate of lecture group was higher than those of video and handbook groups(F value: 4.20 and 8.19;P<0.05). No statistical significance was obtained in the awareness rate difference between video and handbook groups(F value: 0.02,P>0.05). The awareness rate of integrated group was increased gradually(χ2趋势=7.02,P<0.05).(7) The correctness rates of video, lecture, and handbook intervention groups about STD and AIDS attitude increased by 7.50%, 10.21%, 9.44%, and 7.61% ( P<0.0001) respectively. No statistical significance was obtained in the correctness rate difference among the intervention groups(P>0.05). The correctness rate of integrated group was increased gradually(χ2趋势=4.73,P<0.05).(8)No statistical significance was obtained in the usage rates of condoms before and after intervention(P>0.05).Conclusion The awareness rate of the floating population in Nanjing area about STD/AIDS knowledge is low. Therefore, health education should be carried out urgently, especially among female and low educational level workers. It is an effective way to improve the knowledge about STD/AIDS among the floating population by lecture-weighted integrated health education.


