

Selection of Tomato Inbred Lines Resistant to Bacterial Wilt and Comparison of Their Crosses

【作者】 魏仕伟

【导师】 叶志彪;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 番茄是我国种植规模最大的蔬菜种类之一,以其漂亮的外观,较高的营养价值而深受人民群众喜爱。但是在番茄生产中,存在的最大问题就是病害严重,据调查番茄在生长期间病害种类多达40多种,以烟草花叶病毒病、枯萎病、青枯病等发病严重,在长江流域及华南地区,青枯病已经对番茄的生产造成了巨大的破坏,产量下降甚至绝收,商品性状降低,严重制约了番茄产业的发展。由于物理防治、化学防治等效果差,对环境破坏严重,且成本较高,而培育优良的抗病品种是防止番茄各种病害最有效的方法。本实验采用传统的人工接种和分子标记检测技术,对相关材料进行筛选,以期得到包含抗青枯病在内的多抗性番茄优良自交系,为抗青枯病的育种打下基础。利用选育的多抗自交系与经济性状优良的品系配制杂交组合,并进行比较,得到若干优良杂交组合。主要研究结果如下:1.以番茄抗青枯病的商业品种金钻、粤星、东方红、0495、0496的F4代为材料,进行了三代自交,经过对其F4、F5、F6代植株进行人工接种鉴定、Tm-2α、I-2基因标记的辅助选择,并结合田间经济性状,采用单株选择法,选育出经济性状较优良并且含有三抗和双抗基因的自交系,得到三抗的番茄自交系12份,双抗自交系100份,为抗青枯病的下一步的育种创造了材料。2.从上述选育的F4代抗青枯病的株系中,选取性状有差异的优良自交系为母本,以经济性状优良的自交系为父本,配制了10个杂交组合。通过组合的比较试验,筛选出2个抗青枯病,在产量、果实风味、早熟性以及耐贮性方面都表现较好的杂交组合。3.从上述选育的F5代抗青枯病中的株系中,选取抗青枯病的自交系和经济性状优良的自交系为亲本,配制了15个杂交组合。通过组合的比较试验,筛选出3个抗青枯病、枯萎病、烟草花叶病毒病,在产量、果实风味、早熟性都表现较好的杂交组合。

【Abstract】 Tomato is one of the most widely cultivated crops in China, it is deeply loved by people because of its beautiful appearance and high nutritional value. But diseases hamper tomato production. There are more than 40 kinds of diseases affecting tomato production, such as TMV, fusarium wilt, and bacterial wilt. Especially, the bacterial wilt in the Yangtze River basin and Southern China, decreases production and lowers commodity characters. Chemical and physical controls to bacterial wilt have a side effect on environment, high-cost and poor-efficiency. The most effective method is to cultivate the good disease-resistance variety.In this study, the traditional artificial inoculation combination with molecular marker detection were used to select relevant materials, we aimed to get multi-resistant plants include selections of resistant to bacterial inbred lines, and lay the foundation for breeding resistance to bacterial wilt. Based on the multi-resistant inbred lines and good economic character lines, we got the fine hybrid combinations, the main results are as follows:1. Tomato F4 generations of the bacterial wilt-resistant commercial varieties such as Diamond, Guangdong star, oriental red,0495,0496, we made them selfing for three generations, inoculated their F4, F5 and F6 generations, then based on the individual plant selection method, we got the 12 inbred lines with good economic characters and resistance to three diseases,100 inbred lines resistance to two diseases, which was the foundation for breeding to resistance bacterial wilt in the future.2. We selected the good economic characters inbred lines as male parent, different characters of inbred lines as female parent from the F4 generation of inbred lines which resistance to bacterial wilt, and got 10 hybrid combinations, then we obtained 2 hybrid combinations with good characteres such as resistant to bacterial wilt, the yield, fruit flavor, early maturity and storability.3. We selected inbred line with resistance to bacterial wilt as one of the parent from the F5 generation of breeding lines, the other parent is the inbred line with good economic characters, made up 15 hybrids. Then we got 3 hybrid combinations with good economic characters and resistances to bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, tobacco mosaic virus.

  • 【分类号】S641.2
  • 【下载频次】178

