

Research of the Torque Testing System in the Spiral Rotary Tillage and Stubble-Mulch Roller Based on Virtual Instrument

【作者】 姚兴林

【导师】 张国忠;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水稻是我国南方主要粮食作物之一。机械收获后残留田间的大量秸秆给后续水田耕整造成了极大的困难。船式旋耕埋草机作为一种特别适于我国南方油—稻、麦—稻、稻—稻、肥—稻等多熟制稻作水田的新型耕整机具,能一次性完成压秆→旋耕→碎土→埋秆→平田等多道工序,实现水稻播栽前的土壤适度耕整、秸秆埋覆还田机械化联合作业。其后置的左右螺旋旋耕埋草刀辊是其主要的功率消耗部件。目前,针对该新型刀辊的功率配备只是采用了定性试验和类比的方法,其实际功耗也无具体准确数据。这给刀辊的切削机理研究、节能降耗研究和参数优化研究带来很大的困难。因此需要合适的方法与途径测量刀辊功耗。土壤机械阻力是土壤的一个重要力学性质,对农作物的生长和农业机械的作业能耗有很大的影响。土壤机械阻力反映在旋耕刀等旋转运动土壤耕作机具上表现为对旋转运动中心的切削阻力矩。传统测量方法主要是用土壤圆锥仪或硬度计测量圆锥指数,这种方法效率低、工作量大,且测量值为散点值,不能准确反映土壤机械阻力空间分布。因此需要连续测量土壤机械阻力的方法,这种连续测量方法可以通过测量刀辊主轴转矩实现。基于以上两点原因,本文基于LabVIEW软件设计了螺旋型旋耕埋草刀辊转矩测试系统。并运用该测试系统进行了室内土槽试验,研究了刀辊运动参数对刀辊转矩的影响。测试系统由JN338A旋转式传感器、NIPCI-6024E数据采集卡和LabVIEW软件程序组成。能够自动连续测量刀辊转矩、转速和功率,并将采集结果实时显示和存储。该测试系效率高,操作简便,且标定结果表明,该系统具有很高的精度。能够用作刀辊转矩检测工作,为分析刀辊功耗影响因素、探寻刀辊工作机理及分析土壤机械阻力提供数据支撑。土槽试验包括刀辊前进速度变化、刀辊转速变化和耕深变化的单因素试验及一次回归正交试验。试验过程中,刀辊前进速度变化范围为0.1m/s-0.5m/s、刀辊转速变化范围为260r/min-340r/min、刀辊耕深变化范围为75mm-100mm。单因素试验结果表明,刀辊转矩随前进速度变大而迅速变大,它们之间呈指数关系增长;随转速的增加呈下降趋势,但趋势较小;随耕深的增加而迅速变大。一次回归正交试验结果表明,刀辊前进速度和耕深对刀辊转矩有显著影响,刀辊转速对其影响不显著。

【Abstract】 Rice is one of the main crops in southern China. Residual straws after machinary harvest bring big difficulty for paddy fields tillage. Boat rotary tillage and stubble-mulch machine is a new tillage equipment of mechanized protective cultivation, which is suitable to rice multi-cropping paddy fields. It can complete prostrate straw, rotary tillage, stubble-mulch, level off paddy field simultaneously, and could realize moderate tillage of paddy fields, return stubbles to fields with combined operation of mechanized. The spiral rotary tillage and stubble-mulch roller is the main working parts and the leading power consume parts of the boat machine. At present, only qualitative test and analogy method are used to analysis the power consumption of the new roller, the inaccurate dataes obtained cause great difficulties for study on roller’s working mechanism and parameter optimization. Therefore, reasonable method is needed to measure the roller’s power consumption.Soil mechanical resistance is an important mechanics property of soil. It has a great influence on corp growing and soil tillage. Soil mechanical resistance is shown as cutting torque for rotating tillage equipment. The traditional measurement is mainly use penetrometer to measure cone index, this method is low efficienty and heavy workload. And the result of the measurement is scattered point date, it can’t accurately reflect the spatial distribution of soil mechanical resistance. Therefore, continuous measurement which can be realized by measuring the torque of the roller is required to measure soil mechanical resistance.A torque testing system based on LabVIEW was designed. The soil-bin experiment with the teting system was carried out to find the relationship between the roller’s motion parameters and torque.The torque testing system is made up of JN338A torquel sensor, N1 PCI-6024E DAQ card and LabVIEW programs. With this system, the torque, speed and power can be tested automatically and continuously, and the results can be displayed and stored simultaneously. The testing system is in high efficiency and easy to operate. The calibration results show that the the testing is also in high precise. It can be used to test torque of the roller, providing data support for analysis of influencing factors of the roller’s power consumption and exploring roller’s working mechanism and analysis of soil resistance. The soil-bin experiment includes single factor experiment and linear regression orthogonal experiment of different roller’s forward speed, rotating speed and ploughing depth. During the experiment, the roller’s forward speed range is 0.1m/s-0.5m/s, rotating speed range is 260r/min-340r/min, ploughing depth range is 75mm-100mm. Single factor experiment results show that, the roller’s torque has a exponentially relationship with the roller’s forward speed, and it decreases when the rotating speed increases, but the trend is smaller, the roller’s torque increases rapidly when the ploughing depth become deeper. Regression orthogonal experiment results show that the roller’s forward speed and ploughing depth have significant effect on torque, as well as the rotating speed has no significant effect on torque.


