

Research on Detection of Power Consumption of Boat-rotary Tillage and Stubble-mulch Machine Based on LabVIEW

【作者】 王志山

【导师】 夏俊芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水稻是我国南方主要粮食作物之一。机械收获后残留田间的大量秸秆给后续水田耕整地造成了难以逾越的困难。船式旋耕埋草机作为一种适于我国南方油—稻、麦—稻、稻—稻、肥—稻等多熟制稻作水田的新型耕整机具,自2007年试验示范以来,推广辐射区域由最初仅湖北省内4个县市扩大到2009年的6省34个县(市、区),受益农户累计达3.8万户,创造了良好的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益。该机能一次性完成压秆→旋耕→碎土→埋秆→平田等多道工序,实现水稻播栽前的土壤适度耕整、秸秆埋覆还田机械化联合作业。其后置的左右螺旋刀辊是主要功率消耗部件。目前,针对该新型刀辊的功率配备只是采用了定性试验和类比的方法,因此对其进行定量功耗试验研究,探讨进一步节能降耗途径和产品系列化开发具有重要意义。通过测量扭矩来获取功率是功耗测试的主要方法之一。本文基于虚拟仪器和相位差式扭矩测量技术,运用LabVIEW软件进行数据分析,对船式旋耕埋草机田间作业功耗进行了实时测试。主要结论有以下几个方面:(1)从软、硬件两方面着手,构建了基于虚拟仪器的功耗、扭矩测试系统。研究了船式旋耕埋草机水田功耗检测需求,根据相位差式检测原理,设计了基于此原理的功耗检测装置,该方法及装置具有非接触、简单适用、灵活性强等特点,适合船式旋耕埋草机田间功耗的实时检测。测试软件在LabVIEW平台上进行开发,快速、灵活、易于操作。(2)在功率测试平台上对测试系统进行了标定。经测功机标定,得出基于相关函数法的测试系统测试精度、稳定性和线性等关键指标均要好于傅立叶变换法及过零检测法,其对功耗的测量精度在4.5%以内,另外两种方法精度均大于5%,因此,将确定了基于相关法的测试程序进行田间试验。(3)选择了冬闲杂草田、油菜秸秆田、中稻秸秆田等3种作业对象,对船式旋耕埋草机作业功耗进行了实时检测。通过试验,探索出船式旋耕埋草机水田作业较佳模式:实行两遍耕整,刀辊转速310r/min,其中,第一遍作业耕深55mm,其平均作业功耗为7.13kW;第二遍作业耕深达到110mm,其平均作业功耗为7.59kW,两遍耕整后秸秆埋覆率达到95%以上。现有的13kW配套动力满足作业要求。(4)经台架标定和田间试验验证,本文构建的基于虚拟仪器技术和相位差测量原理的功耗、扭矩测试系统,可以广泛应用于农业及工业机械功耗的实时检测,具有非接触、测量可靠、系统简单、测量范围大、易于操作等优点。

【Abstract】 The multiple rice-cropping systems had existed in southern China for a long time. Such systems include rape-rape-rice rotation, wheat-rice rotation, two-harvest rice and green manure-rice etc. A practical problem is the high stubble-mulch can be hardly overturned by human and animal labor or conventional tillage machines. Boat-rotary tillage and stubble-mulch machine, developed by Huazhong Agricultural University, is very suitable to solve this problem, which could complete prostrate straw, rotary tillage, stubble-mulch, level paddy field simultaneously, and could achieve protective mechanized cultivation. The boat-rotary tillage and stubble-mulch machine had been sold more than 630 sets since this machine began popularization in 2007, and created a very good social, economic and ecological benefit, more than 38 thousand farmers in 34 countries of 6 provinces had benefited for this machine. The left and right spiral roller blade is the main power consume component of the machine. At present, according to the power equip of the new roller, usually adopted qualitative method of experiment and analogy method. So its quantitative power consumption research is very significant.This paper based on virtual instrument and phase-difference torque measuring technology, adopted LabVIEW software for data analysis, the main results and conclusions as follows:(1) Established a power, torque testing system based on virtual instrument. This paper had analyzed the test needs of boat-rotary tillage and stubble-mulch machine working in paddy fields, adopted phase-difference detection method, which had non-contact, adaptable, flexibility features, and was very suitable for testing power consumption of the boat-rotary tillage and stubble-mulch machine. The software had been developed on the LabVIEW platform.(2) Calibrated the testing system on engine test bench. Using the correlation method, FFT method and zero-crossing method of data processing methods to compile program, then the system has been calibrated on the engine test bench. The results showed that:the system based on the correlation method had the best accuracy, stability, and linearity, it’s accuracy was lower than 4.5%, and the other two methods were greater than 5%.(3) Operated real-time detection of power consumption to boat-rotary tillage and stubble-mulch machine in winter fallow field, rape field and mid-season rice field. And found the best model for paddy field operations:tillage for twice, of which the first tillage depth 55mm, the second tillage depth 110mm, roller blade speed of 310r/min, and the forward speed is 1.7m/s, its power consumption is less than 9kW, so the existing 13kW power can meet the operational requirements. (4) The calibration and field test had showed that, the power, torque testing system based on virtual instrument and phase-difference technology can be widely used in agricultural and industrial machinery’s real-time power detection.


