

Study on Fresh-Keeping of Eggs with Chinese Herbal Extracts

【作者】 王婵

【导师】 马敬中;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以当天产的鲜蛋为原材料,研究了18种不同中草药植物提取液对鸡蛋涂膜的保鲜作用,通过对鸡蛋贮藏期间各项感官指标(蛋白、蛋黄、系带)和理化指标(气室高度、失重率、蛋黄指数、浓蛋白含量、哈夫单位)的测定,研究了在温度25℃、相对湿度50%-70%的条件下鸡蛋贮藏35 d内鸡蛋品质的变化情况。主要研究工作包括以下三个方面:(1)在不同提取时间和提取温度下,用60%-95%的乙醇/水作提取剂提取中草药植物中的有效成分。这18种中草药植物包括:樟科的樟树叶、肉桂皮;唇形科的藿香、紫苏叶、溪黄草;忍冬科的金银花;桃金娘科的丁香;睡莲科的荷叶;姜科的生姜;葫芦科的苦瓜;菊科的蒲公英;豆科的甘草;百合科的大蒜;山茶科的茶叶;莎草科的荸荠皮;堇草科的紫花地丁;三白草科的鱼腥草。将这些植物提取液通过涂膜法对供试鸡蛋进行保鲜贮藏研究。结果表明,供试的18种中草药植物保鲜液对鸡蛋均有一定的保鲜作用,其中保鲜效果最佳的分别为:金银花提取液、蒲公英提取液、丁香提取液和银杏叶提取液,贮藏35 d后好蛋率为100%。(2)将最佳的四种保鲜液按照体积比1:1两两复配,同样依照上述实验的条件和方法对鸡蛋进行涂膜保鲜。从感官指标和理化指标来看,我们得出:所有处理组保鲜液对供试鸡蛋均有一定的保鲜作用,但与四种保鲜液单独使用时的抑菌效果相比,复配液处理组的感官变化、气室高度、浓蛋白含量、哈夫单位指标较差,失重率指标较好,而蛋黄指数指标则与单一保鲜液处理组相差不大。综合各项指标结果,初步确定单一中草药植物提取液的保鲜效果要强于复配提取液。初步判断单一成分之间存在拮抗效应时,使得各成分的相互作用小于单一组分加和的抑菌效果,进而降低了抑菌活性。(3)通过对单一中草药植物提取液及其复配液的抑菌试验(供试菌为大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌)的测定,我们得出所有样品液在浓度为0.2500g/mL时对三种供试菌均有抑制作用,并且样品抑菌液的浓度越高,对三种供试菌的抑制效果越好,同时单一中草药提取液对三种供试细菌的抑菌效果强于复合提取液的抑菌效果。综合比较得出,各样品提取液之间抑菌效果优劣为金银花提取液>蒲公英提取液>丁香提取液>银杏叶提取液>复合提取液,同时证明了四种单一植物保鲜液具有较为广谱抑菌作用。其中金银花提取液对三种供试菌表现出很强的抑制效果,尤其对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用最为明显;丁香提取液对大肠杆菌有很强的抑制作用;蒲公英提取液对沙门氏菌的抑制能力强于对大肠杆菌以及金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制能力,但其提取液在0.5000 g/mL以上有刺激气味,不适宜用于鸡蛋保鲜。因此,实际适宜用于食物保鲜为金银花提取液、丁香提取液和银杏叶提取液。

【Abstract】 This paper regards fresh intraday eggs as the tested materials. A series of experiments were conducted to research the quality change of eggs with the method of film coating, by measuring the human’s sensory (albumen, yolk, band) and eggs physicochemical index (highness of air chamber, weight losing rate, yolk coefficient, content of dense albumen, Haugh unit), under the conditions of 25℃and 50%-70% of relative humidity during a 35-day’s storage.The main content of this article are three aspects as follow:(1) In the different time and temperature, we extracted the effective antimicrobial components of eighteen kinds of Chinese herbal plants with 60%-95% concentration alcoholic solvent, including Lauraceae Cinnamomum camphora L., cassia presl; Labiatae Agastache rugosa, Folium perlliae L. and Rabdosia serra Hara; Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle; Myrtaceae Syzygium aromaticum; Nymphaeaceae Nelumbo lotus; Zingiberaceae Zingiber; Cucurbitaceae Momordica; Compositae Taraxacum; Leguminosae sp. Radiz glycyrrhizae; Liliaceae Allium sativum; Theaceae tea; Cyperaceae Heleochairs tuberose Schult; Violaceae Viola yedoensis Makino; Saururaceae Houttuynia cordata thrunb.We used those extracts for fresh-keeping with the method of film coating. The results show that these alcoholic extracts of Chinese herbal medicine have a certain preservation effect on eggs. The fresh-keeping effect of Honeysuckle, Syzygium aromaticum L., Taraxacum mongolicum and Ginkgo biloba L. extracts are the best and the rate of fresh-egg is 100% after storage of 35 days.(2) We mixed the four best extracts in 1:1 by volume, in accordance with the same experimental conditions and methods for coating fresh eggs as mentioned previously, at the same time done the contrast with the four best single extracts. From sensory and physicochemical index, we could see that all treatment group had a certain preservation effect on eggs. Compared with the bacteriostatic effect of the four best extracts used alone, the compound extracts group’s sensory changes, content of dense albumen, Hough unit of compound extracts were worse, weight losing rate was better, and yolk coefficient of compound extracts have little difference with single treatment group. From comprehensive results of index, we concluded preliminarily that the inhibiting effect of single herbal plant extracts is better than the compound extracts. We judged preliminarily when there was the antagonism between each component, the bacteriostatic effect of interaction was less than the sum of single component, namely that there was antagonism between the different active antibacterial material in the four herbal plants so that reduced the bacteriostatic effect.(3) Studied on antibacterial test of single herbal plant extracts and their compounds, we obtained all extracts have bacteriostatic effect on three selected bacteria (Escherichia coil, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach) at the concentration of 0.2500 g/mL, and the higher concentration, the better the result. Meanwhile, the inhibiting effect of single herbal plant extracts was better than the compound extracts. From comprehensive comparison, we could conclude the bacteriostatic effect order of all tested extracts as Honeysuckle> Taraxacum mongolicum> Syzygium aromaticum L.> Ginkgo biloba L. extracts. And the four best extracts have a more broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect. Honeysuckle extract had a strong inhibitory effect on all bacteria, especially on staphylococcus aureus; Syzygium aromaticum L. extract showed a strong bacteriostatic effect on E.coli; Taraxacum mongolicum extract had a stronger inhibiting effect on Salmonella than staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, but it isn’t suitable for eggs fresh-keeping when the extract at more than 0.5000 g/mL with a pungent smell. Honeysuckle, Syzygium aromaticum L. and Ginkgo biloba L. extracts are hence suitable for food preservation indeed.


