

Study on the Wine Made of Orange Juice and Glutinous Rice Juice

【作者】 艾方

【导师】 彭丽桃;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 食品科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验以温州蜜桔和糯米为原料进行了混合发酵酿酒的研究,主要做了以下几个方面的工作:适合柑桔-糯米汁混合发酵酒的专一性优良酵母的筛选;最佳主发酵工艺条件及澄清工艺条件的研究;成品混合发酵酒中风味成分的检测以及抗氧化能力的评价。实验的主要内容和结果如下:1.优良菌株的分离筛选从不同品种的柑桔汁中分离出122株酵母菌,以不同的筛选指标筛选出3株发酵性能优良的菌种16#、89#、95#,从形态学和生理生化试验方面鉴定得知,16#为酿酒酵母(sacchromyces cerevisiae),89#为异常汉逊酵母(Hansenula anomala),95#为克劳森酒香酵母(Brettanomyces claussenii),并研究了其生长特性。2.主发酵工艺条件的确定用根霉和糖化酶制得糯米汁,其糖化工艺参数接种根霉孢子量为106个/mL,糖化酶的最佳添加量为40U/mg,酶解时间4h。正交试验对主发酵的酵母菌接种量、混合汁的初始糖度、初始pH、糯米汁添加量等基本工艺条件进行了研究,得出主发酵优化工艺条件为:酵母接种量3%,混合汁初始pH为4.0,初始糖度为16°Bx,糯米汁添加量为35%。3.澄清工艺的研究用4种澄清剂对原酒进行澄清试验,同时考察冷处理与未冷处理的不同影响,试验得出壳聚糖和PVPP的澄清效果都比较好,从经济成本的角度考虑,壳聚糖更优,结合冷处理的方式,添加0.1g/L的壳聚糖,原酒的透光率可达95.1%。4.柑桔-糯米汁混合发酵酒风味成分的检测用气相色谱-质谱联用仪从陈酿6个月的柑桔-糯米汁混合发酵酒中检测出53中风味物质,其中有酯类20种,醇类14种,两者的相对含量分别达到45.32%和42.49%,相对含量最高的两种物质分别为丁二酸二乙酯(23.78%)和苯乙醇(18.15%)。5.柑桔-糯米汁混合发酵酒抗氧化性的研究将柑桔-糯米汁混合发酵酒和单纯的柑桔酒和糯米酒作比较,以BHT和Vc溶液做对照,得出柑桔-糯米汁混合发酵酒有比较强的铁还原能力、清除DPPH自由基、超氧阴离子、羟基自由基能力,虽然混合发酵酒的抗氧化能力不如柑桔酒,但比同等用量的100mg/L的BHT和Vc要好的多。

【Abstract】 In this experiment, Wenzhou orange and glutinous rice are the raw materials for fermented. These main reasearchs are done in this study:selects the excellent specificity yeast for fermented wine; the best fermentation conditions and clarification are studied; the aroma component in wine is detected and the antioxidant capacity of the wine is evaluated. The main contents and test results are as follows:1. The selection of excellent yeastThere are 122 yeast strains isolated from varieties orange juices, three strains of them are proof better according to different screening indicators. of bacteria fermentation excellent 16#,89#,95#, throngh the morphological, physiological and biochemical tests, the three strains are identifited that:16# as Saccharomyces cerevisiae,89# for the Hansenula anomala,95# as Brettanomyces claussenii, and their growth characteristics are also studied.2. The selection of the main fermentation processRhizopus and glucoamylase are prepared to make glutinous rice juice, and the optimal Rhizopus inoculation volume is 106 spores/mL, the optimal dosage of glucoamylase is 40U/mg, hydrolysis time is 4h. The yeast inoculum, the initial sugar and pH, the amount of glutinous rice juice are studied in orthogonal experiment, and the best fermenting condition is that:3% yeast inoculum, initial pH 4.0, initial sugar-contentration 16°Bx, the amount of glutinous rice juice 35%.3. The clarification process of wineFour kinds of liquor clarifier are used for clarification on the original test, and combining with cold treatment or not are also investigated. The experiment results show that:the clarification effects of chitosan and PVPP are better, but from the economic point of view, chitosan is better than PVPP. Combining with cold treatment, only add 0.1g/L of chitosan, the light transmission of original wine up to 95.1%.4. The testing of flavor component in wineGas chromatography-mass spectrometer from the aging mixed wine, there are 53 of the flavor compounds be detected, including esters 20 species,14 kinds of alcohols, the relative content reach 45.32% and 42.49%, the highest relative content of the substances were diethyl succinate (23.78%) and benzene ethanol (18.15%).5. Antioxidant activity of mixed wine Compared with pure orange wine and glutinous rice wine, BHT and Vc solutions are as control, obtained mixed wine has stronger iron reduction capacity, and scavenging effects of DPPH radicals, superoxide anion, hydroxyl radicals are also stronger. The antioxidant capacity of the mixed wine is not as good as that of pure orange wine, but much better than the same dosage of 100mg/L of BHT and the Vc.

【关键词】 果酒酵母菌澄清风味成分抗氧化
【Key words】 WineYeastClarificationFlavor IngredientsAntioxidant
  • 【分类号】TS261.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】503

