

Thinking on Building National Logistics Hub in Changsha:New Starting Point, New Challenge, New Task and New Measures

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【作者】 夏文斌庞燕

【Author】 XIA Wenbin;PANG Yan;Changsha Development and Reform Commission;College of Logistics & Transportation,Central South University of Forestry & Technology;

【通讯作者】 庞燕;

【机构】 长沙市发展和改革委员会中南林业科技大学物流与交通学院

【摘要】 物流枢纽是物流体系的核心基础设施,其在物流网络中发挥着重要作用。综合运用文献分析法、调查法、归纳法等多种方法,对相关的研究现状进行分析,并结合国家最新的政策法规,提出长沙市物流枢纽建设的基本思路。从新起点、新挑战、新任务与新举措四个层面,对长沙市打造国家物流枢纽的一些关键问题提出思考与建议。提出长沙建设国家物流枢纽要大力培育枢纽产业体系,要以长沙都市圈融合发展为契机,推动物流基础设施融合发展,产业布局协同发展,促进物流要素自由流动,努力构建国际一流营商环境,加快推动综合枢纽优势向产业竞争优势转变。

【Abstract】 Logistics hub is the core infrastructure of logistics system and plays an important role in logistics network.The basic tasks and innovative measures of national logistics hub construction in Changsha were studied by analyzing the realistic basis and challenges of national logistics hub in Changsha, so as to provide guidance and reference for the construction of national logistics hub. Such methods as literature analysis, investigation, induction and other methods were employed to analyze the relevant research status, and combined with the latest national policies and regulations related to logistics hub construction. The strategic thinking of Changsha city to build national logistics hub was put forward from four aspects of new starting point, new challenge, new task and new measure. It is suggested that hub industrial system should be fostered in order to put forward the construction of Changsha national logistics hub. By taking the integrated development of Changsha metropolitan area as an opportunity, it’s necessary to promote the integrated development of logistics infrastructure, fasten the coordinated development of industrial layout, and accelerate the free flow of logistics elements to strive building a world-class business environment, and accelerating the transformation of comprehensive hub advantage to industrial competitive advantage.

【关键词】 物流枢纽战略思考
【Key words】 logistics hubstrategiesthinking
【基金】 国家社科基金项目“制造业绿色供应链生态补偿激励相容性与机制研究”(15BGL083);湖南省社科基金湖南省社科基金重点委托项目“湖南省生态城市建设中绿色物流优化路径与对策研究”(15WTB23)
  • 【文献出处】 中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版) ,Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology(Social Sciences) , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年03期
  • 【分类号】F259.27
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】432

