

Hygiene Assessment for Earthquake Post-disaster Housing Construction of Transitional Resettlement in Li County of Sichuan

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【作者】 蔡立群胡伟江王环宇王宏涛

【Author】 CAI Li-qun,HU Wei-jiang,WANG Huan-yu,et al.Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100050,China

【机构】 中国疾病预防控制中心

【摘要】 目的为地震灾后居民过渡安置房的建设提供卫生学依据和建议。方法采用检查表法、经验法对《四川省理县过渡安置房建设工作总体方案》进行分析,并进行建设地点现场调查和公众参与调查。结果10个居民过渡安置房选址中除西区问题较多外,其余9个基本符合卫生学要求;平面布置和功能分区较合理;房屋设计符合要求、建设数量不足;生活垃圾场和医院垃圾的处理不符合卫生要求。结论《四川省理县过渡安置房建设工作总体方案》从卫生学角度考虑基本可行,可指导当地灾后重建工作的实施。

【Abstract】 Objective To provide hygienic basis and recommendations to the earthquake post-disaster housing construction of the transitional resettlement.Methods The methods of checklist and experience were applied to analyze the general program of housing construction of the transitional resettlement for Li County,and survey was conducted in the construction site with the participation of the public.Results The 10 locations of the transitional resettlement,except the western district in which there were many problems,were in accordance with basic hygiene requirements;the layout and function division were reasonable;the design of housing conformed to the hygiene requirements,but the quantity of the construction was insufficient;life rubbish dump and the treatment of hospital waste didn’t met the hygiene requirements.Conclusion The hygienic aspect of the general program of housing construction of the transitional resettlement for Li County is reasonable,and it can guide the implementation of the local post-disaster reconstruction.

  • 【文献出处】 中国卫生工程学 ,Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年02期
  • 【分类号】R19
  • 【下载频次】19

