

Difficulty, problems and countermeasures of agricultural non-point sources pollution control in China

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【作者】 杨滨键尚杰于法稳

【Author】 YANG Binjian;SHANG Jie;YU Fawen;College of Economics and Management, Northeast Forestry University;Business School of Guizhou Minzu University;Rural Development Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;

【通讯作者】 尚杰;

【机构】 东北林业大学经济管理学院贵州民族大学商学院中国社会科学院农村发展研究所

【摘要】 实现农业绿色发展,提升农产品品质是破解新时代社会主要矛盾在农业领域表现的重要途径,其前提是对农业面源污染进行有效防治,以提升农业生产系统环境质量。本文在系统梳理农业面源污染领域研究文献的基础上,剖析了农业面源污染防治的难点及问题,一是化肥施用总量(折纯量)大与施用强度高并存;使用效率低与流失严重同在;二是农药使用量的增加以及包装物带来的面源污染呈现加重态势;三是农用薄膜造成的"白色污染"短期内难以从根本上解决;四是畜禽废弃物产生量大,污染严重;同时,兽用抗生素的环境影响不容忽视。在农业面源污染防治中,存在着防治对象具有多源性、防治主体多元性以及防治技术有效性不足、机制缺失等问题。为此,应以绿色发展理念为指导,提升全社会对农业面源污染防治重要性的认识;强化农业面源污染防治行动计划的实施监督,并注重实施效果的监测与评价;实施多维创新,保障农业生产系统的健康,以更好地推进农业面源污染防治。

【Abstract】 Green development of agriculture and agricultural products quality improvement are essential approaches to solve the major contradictions in agriculture in the new era. It is the prerequisite to control agricultural non-point sources pollution for environmental improvement of agricultural production system. The paper analyzed situation, difficulties and problems of control of agricultural non-point pollution based on the systematic literature research on related studies. The non-point pollution in China had become a common problem during 40 years since the Rural Reform and changed following a tendency of "increase-decrease".It also showed obvious regional difference, with higher pollutant emission in the east and middle than in the west. The factors influencing agricultural non-point pollution in China were growth-pursuing development concept, dual eco-social structure of urban and rural, pollution negative externality, high control cost and various production behaviors of farmers, as well as agricultural technology, land system and policy, market, etc. The difficulties in agricultural non-point pollution control were that, firstly,the fertilizers were overused regarding total amount and intensity leading to inefficient utilization and nutrients loss. Secondly, the increased input of pesticides plus wrappages had aggravated pollution. Thirdly, the "white pollution" caused by agricultural film utilization was difficult to be eradicated in a short time. Fourthly, there was also the serious pollution coming from the huge amount of livestock and poultry wastes. The problems existing in control of agricultural non-point source pollution were multi-source of control objects, diversity of control subjects, non-effectiveness of control technology and lack of mechanism.Therefore, it was necessary to raise overall awareness on importance of agricultural non-point source pollution control with guideline of green development concept, and to supervise implementation of agricultural non-point source pollution action plan,especially, to pay attention on evaluation of control effects. Meantime, multiple innovations was essential for establishment of a healthy agricultural production system which was favor of control of agricultural non-point sources pollution.

【基金】 国家自然科学基金项目(71573036);国家社会科学基金重点项目(17AZD012)资助~~
  • 【文献出处】 中国生态农业学报(中英文) ,Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年02期
  • 【分类号】X71;X52
  • 【被引频次】74
  • 【下载频次】2880

