

A/D Conversion and Development of Seismograph

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【作者】 祖庆夕

【Author】 Zu Qingxi(Geophysical Prospecting Institute, CNACG, Zhuozhou, Hebei 072752)

【机构】 中国煤炭地质总局物探研究院 河北涿州072750

【摘要】 地震数据采集具有采集点分布范围广、滚动搬移工作量大等特点,因此就需要一套体积小、重量轻、连线简单、供电方便、耗电量小的采集器。目前24位A/D型数字地震仪器已具备瞬时动态范围大、失真小、无零点漂移、系统规模大(带道能力)和软件功能强劲等特点。随着电子行业的飞速发展,A/D转换器等电子器件已发展成为高度模块化、智能化及高精度的绿色节能型芯片。其器件体积小、功耗低、集成度高、功能强,为地震数据采集仪器更新换代,实现低功耗、单道、小体积、高精度、高分辨率的数字化采集器创造了有利条件。

【Abstract】 Seismic data acquisition has characteristics of wide range acquisition point distribution and large workload of rolling removals, thus a set of acquisition system of small volume, light weight, simple connection,convenient power supply and less power consumption is needed.Present 24 digit A/D type digital seismograph already has features of large instant dynamical range, small distortion, no zero drift,large system size (band/trace capacity) and strong software function etc.Along with electronic technology very fast progress,electron devices such as A/D converter has already evolved into green energy saving chips,such devices already have small volume,low power consumption,high integration level, powerful performances. It has provided conditions for brought to effect of low power consumption,single channel,small volume,high precision and high-resolution digital data acquisition apparatuses.

【关键词】 A/D转换地震仪检波器工作站
【Key words】 A/D conversionseismographgeophoneworkstation
  • 【文献出处】 中国煤田地质 ,Coal Geology of China , 编辑部邮箱 ,2004年05期
  • 【分类号】P631.43
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】105

