

Fighting and preventing post-earthquake fires in nuclear power plant

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【作者】 吕雪峰张鑫

【Author】 LV Xue-feng,ZHANG Xin(North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China)

【机构】 华北电力大学

【摘要】 核电站地震次生火灾除了会造成人员伤亡、经济损失严重外,还可能造成放射性污染。目前我国核电处于快速发展时期,考虑我国地震多发的特性,研究核电站地震次生火灾具有重要的工程价值。本文详细分析了核电站地震次生火灾的起火原因、影响因素和发展特点等火灾特性,系统总结了核电站地震次生火灾扑灭应遵循"先重点,后一般"、"先隔离,后扑灭"、"急检修,勤巡逻"等三个原则,并提出了扑救和预防核电站地震次生火灾时应注意的三个事项。

【Abstract】 Nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires will cause not only personnel injury,severe economic loss,but also serious environmental pollution.For the moment,nuclear power is in a position of rapid development in China.Considering the earthquake-prone characteristics of our country,it is of great engineering importance to investigate the nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires.This article analyzes the cause,influential factors and development characteristics of nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires in details,and summarizes the three principles should be followed in fighting and preventing nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires,such as solving problems in order of importance and urgency,isolation prior to prevention,immediate repair and regular patrol.Three aspects were pointed out that should be paid attention in fighting and preventing post-earthquake fires.

  • 【文献出处】 中国核电 ,China Nuclear Power , 编辑部邮箱 ,2011年04期
  • 【分类号】TU998.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】89

