

Discussion the Rights Conflict and Coordination in the Legal System of Mining Land in China

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【作者】 任洪涛

【Author】 REN Hongtao;Law School of Hainan University;

【机构】 海南大学法学院

【摘要】 我国矿业用地实践中所存在的问题有其深刻的经济、社会、文化等根源,但究其原因在于矿业用地法律制度中的权利冲突。冲突的现实表征为矿业权与土地物权之间的冲突以及矿业权与环境权之间的冲突。对于我国矿业用地法律制度中权利冲突的解决之道在于四个方面:(1)转变矿业用地从指标管制走向规划管制;(2)合理降低矿业用地取得成本;(3)注重矿业用地法律关系中的权利衔接;(4)推动矿山生态修复法律责任的实现。

【Abstract】 The problems existing in the practice of mining land in China have their profound economic, social and cultural roots, while tracing it source, the reason is the conflict of rights in the legal system of mining land. The realistic manifestation of conflict is the conflict between mining rights and land property rights as well as the conflict between mining rights and environmental rights. The solutions to the conflict of rights in the legal system of mining land in China lie in four aspects:(1) changing the mining land from index restraints to planning control;(2)reasonably reducing the cost of mining land acquisition;(3) paying attention to the rights connection of the legal relationship of mining land;(4)facilitating the realization of the legal responsibility of mine ecological restoration.

【关键词】 矿业用地法律制度权利冲突解决之道
【Key words】 mining landlegal systemrights conflictsolutions
【基金】 2018年度国家社科基金青年项目“生态修复性司法模式及其实践路径研究”(18CFX072);2016年度司法部国家法治与法学理论研究课题“生态修复市场化运作的法律保障研究”(16SFB5036);2018年度海南省哲学社会科学规划课题“海南自贸区(港)建设中的生态修复法律责任问题研究”(HNSK(QN)18-13)
  • 【文献出处】 中国国土资源经济 ,Natural Resource Economics of China , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年02期
  • 【分类号】D922.62;F426.1
  • 【网络出版时间】2018-12-21 11:21
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】286

