

Dynamic Response of Cooling Tower by Using Component Mode Synthesis

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【作者】 黄志龙王大钧武际可陈健

【Author】 Huang Zhilong (Dept.of mechanics,Zhejiang University Hangzhou,310027)Wang Dajun Wu Jike (Dept.of mechanics,Beijing University Beijing,100871)Chen Jian (Common Course Dept.,Hebei Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engr.Shijiazhuang,050054)

【机构】 浙江大学力学系北京大学力学系河北机电学院基础部 杭州310027北京100871石家庄050054

【摘要】 冷却塔整体结构由旋转壳塔简和循环对称的支柱梁系组成。本文将它们作为两个子结构,用双协调模态综合法计算塔整体的固有振动、动力响应,并着重进行了地震应力分析,既相当精确地反应了壳体底局部应力和支柱梁系中的应力,又保持了单独分析两个子结构时精度高、计算量小的特点。理论分析和计算程序已被应用于冷却塔的设计。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the natural vibration and seismic response of a cooling tower in which an axisymmetricshell attached a cireulent symmetric beam system are thested by using component mode synthesis.Theshell and beam systems are considered as two sub-structures so that not only the local stress distributionnear the shell bottom can be calculated but the higher precision and less computation work can also bemaintained.The theoretical analysis and computer program have already used in practical design for coolingtower.

  • 【文献出处】 振动工程学报 ,Journal of Vibration Engineering , 编辑部邮箱 ,1992年04期
  • 【分类号】O327;TB122;
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】92

