Evaluation of seismic design methods for a deeply-buried shield tunnel
【摘要】 分析评价了反应位移法、反应加速度法应用于深埋盾构隧道结构抗震设计的差异。采用平面弹性理论的复变函数方法,提出了深埋结构的土体弹簧的解析解法,可以应用于反应位移法。设定某地质条件下的深埋典型盾构隧道结构为基准模型,用反应位移法、反应加速度法和动力时程法计算基准模型的结构刚度变化时的结构内力和变形,评价前两种方法的适用性。结果表明:反应加速度法的结果一般比反应位移法更接近动力时程法;反应位移法的结果一般是偏于安全的;反应加速度法不适用于结构刚度较小时的情况。
【Abstract】 The differences in seismic responses of a deeply-buried shield tunnel computed with the response displacement method(ROM) and the response acceleration method(RAM) were analyzed and evaluated.Based on the planar strain assumption,the equivalent spring sriffness of the soil body was derived from the analytical solution using a simplified procedure.The performances of the two methods were evaluated and compared with that of the dynamic time history method through a selected benchmark numerical example.It was shown that in general,RAM was superior over RDM;compared with the dynamic time history method,RDM has safer results and RAM is not suitable for a structure with lower stiffness.
【Key words】 shield tunnel; deeply-buried structure; a seismic design; response displacement method(RDM); response acceleration method(RAM);
- 【文献出处】 振动与冲击 ,Journal of Vibration and Shock , 编辑部邮箱 ,2012年19期
- 【分类号】U452.28
- 【被引频次】11
- 【下载频次】191