

Epidemiological investigation of hospitalized patients from the Lushan earthquake

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【作者】 顾建文沈毅李运明匡永勤夏勋欧珊郑琇山祝辉何次马原张新颜

【Author】 GU Jian-wen;SHEN Yi;LI Yun-ming;KUANG Yong-qin;XIA Xun;OU Shan;ZHENG Xiu-shan;ZHU Hui;HE Ci;MA Yuan;ZHANG Xin-yan;Chengdu Military General Hospital;

【机构】 成都军区总医院

【摘要】 目的调查分析芦山地震住院伤员伤情,为救治大规模伤病员提供依据。方法采用"军卫一号"医院信息系统和自编"4.20四川芦山地震住院伤员调查表",收集整理成都军区总医院收治的芦山地震住院伤员数据。结果全院共收治65名地震伤员,男性占46.15%,女性占53.85%。主震时受伤63人,占96.92%。伤员入院时体温、脉搏、呼吸频率、收缩压和舒张压异常率分别为18.46%、6.15%、21.54%、12.31%、23.08%。闭合型损伤48例,占73.85%。伤势情况:轻度占12.31%、中度占26.15%、重度占49.23%、极重度占12.31%。前4位伤部为多发伤、下肢伤、腰腹伤、胸背伤。前4位伤类为皮肤软组织伤、骨折、复合伤、内脏伤。结论为应对未来地震等重大灾害,科学救治大规模伤员,应广泛开展防震减灾教育,加强灾区自救互救,迅速派出救援医疗队,合理设置应急病区。地震伤员入院时呼吸频率和血压异常率偏高,可能是创伤后应激障碍引起,应加强灾区心理干预。芦山地震后方医院收治伤员伤部、伤类与汶川地震震区、后方医院收治伤员不同,可能是两次地震级别差异造成。

【Abstract】 Objective This study investigated the injuries sustained by patients who were hospitalized following the Lushan earthquake in order to provide a reference for treatment of mass casualties. Methods Data of hospitalized patients from the Lushan earthquake at Chengdu Military General Hospital of People’s Liberation Army were collected using the " No. 1 Military Medical Project" hospital information system and the self- prepared questionnaire. Results In total,65 wounded patients were admitted to and treated at the hospital. There were 48 cases of closed trauma,accounting for 73. 85% of the total. In terms of injury severity,12. 31% of the patients were designated as mild injuries,26. 15% had moderate injuries,49. 23% had severe injuries,and 12. 31% had extremely severe injuries. The four most common injury sites were multiple trauma,lower limb,waist / abdomen,and chest / back. The four most common injury categories were skin / soft tissue injuries,fractures,combined injuries,and visceral injuries. Conclusions The comprehensive and systematic understanding of the injuries due to earthquake provides important guidance for medical rescue. The scientific and rational treament of mass casualties,we should carry out extensive education to strengthen the disaster area of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction self rescue,medical rescue team sent quickly,and a reasonable set of emergency wards. Earthquake admission of high respiratory frequency and hyperpressure abnormality,may be post-traumatic stress disorder caused by the disaster,should strengthen the psychological intervention. The admission rear hopitals and types of treated wounds in Lushan earthquake are quite different from those in the earthquake area and the rear hospitals in Wenchuan earthquake. This may be caused by level difference of two earthquake.

  • 【文献出处】 实用医院临床杂志 ,Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine , 编辑部邮箱 ,2013年05期
  • 【分类号】R641
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】76

