

Management of Patients with Group-Occurring Gas Gangrene After Earthquake

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【作者】 张钦芳吴海燕邓静

【Author】 ZHANG Qin-fang,WU Hai-yan,DENG Jing(Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital,Sichuan Chengdu 610072,China)

【机构】 四川省人民医院

【摘要】 目的:探讨地震后群发性气性坏疽患者的有效管理和防治方法。方法:对20例地震后气性坏疽患者采取特殊感染病房集中管理的方法,执行严密接触隔离,完善处置流程,并通过合理调配人员,对患者进行心理疏导,加强创面及全身中毒症状的观察及护理以及对患者进行高压氧治疗的护理。结果:20例气性坏疽患者均未发生院内交叉感染,其中19例好转,1例死亡。结论:对地震后群发性气性坏疽患者进行集中收治,统一管理,可有效避免院内交叉感染发生。

【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the nursing and management of patients with group-occurring gas gangrene after earthquake.Methods:To accept the 20 patients with gas gangrene after earthquake by setting up special infection department,taking rigorous contact isolation,perfecting disposal process and blending staff reasonably to make psychological guidance,strengthen observation and nursing of wounds,general symptom and treatment of hyperbaric oxygen.Results:There were no hospital infections in these patients,and 19 cases recovery,1 case died.Conclusion:Making Centralized treatment and management of patients with group-occurring gas gangrene after earthquake can prevent hospital infection effectively and strengthening nursing can promote the physiological and mental recovery of the patients.

【关键词】 地震群发性气性坏疽管理
【Key words】 earthquakegroup-occurringgas gangrenemanagement
  • 【文献出处】 现代临床医学 ,Journal of Modern Clinical Medicine , 编辑部邮箱 ,2009年02期
  • 【分类号】R633.2
  • 【下载频次】34

