

The Gain and Loss of Chou’s Annotation in Detailed annotation of Du Fu’s Poem

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【作者】 甘晓雯

【Author】 GAN Xiao-wen;School of Chinese Language and Literature,Wuhan University;

【机构】 武汉大学文学院

【摘要】 在《杜诗详注》中,仇兆鳌的注释具有集大成的特点,为理解杜诗提供了绝佳材料。仇注分为"外注引古"和"内注解意"两大部分,在"外注引古"中仇注具有引据繁富的特点,完全展现出仇注集大成的一面,但有时又会出现语焉不详和断章取义的情况;"内注解意"对杜诗的内容、诗句的特点以及诗人意图做出了判断,帮助挖掘杜诗的深层意义,但有时又会局限于作者的眼光和时代的思想之中。

【Abstract】 Detailed Annotation of Du Fu’s Poem,which has the consummate nature,provides the best material for us to understand Du Fu’s poem.Chou’s annotation divides into two parts:"Wai zhu yin gu"and"Nei zhu jie yi".The former part contains rich and various quotations,completely showing its consummate nature.But sometimes it is not elaborate and quoting the remarks out of context.The latter part makes judgments on the content of Du Fu’s poems,the characteristics of verses and the writing intention,offering a help for us to comprehend the poems.However,Chou’s annotation is confined to his horizon and the thought of age to some extent.

  • 【文献出处】 汉江师范学院学报 ,Journal of Hanjiang Normal University , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年04期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【下载频次】208

