

The Research on Oil-gas Gas Hydrate Exploration by Setellite Remote Sensing

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【作者】 游永雄王荣敏金文彪游永乾樊昌尧戎志国

【Author】 YOU Yong-xiong, WANG Rong-min, JIN Wen-biao, YOU Yong-qian, FAN Chang-yao, RONG Zhi-guo ( College of water sources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083; National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081;Research Institude of Petroleum Exploration and Development. Langfang, Hebei 065007; Computer Center, Peking Universit, Beijing 100871)

【机构】 中国地质大学水资源与环境学院国家卫星气象中心石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院北京大学计算中心国家卫星气象中心 北京 100083北京 100081河北廊坊 065007北京 100871北京 100081

【摘要】 应用卫星轨道摄动场,反演地壳区域构造应力场和密度场,圈定地壳区域高压带(块)和地层低密带(块),揭露可燃冰层高压、低密的特性,籍以勘查检测可燃冰。计算绘制了闽江口扇形洲区域构造应力场和密度场卫星遥感图,图上显示等压、等密带与区域地质构造带相一致,属东海近海闽浙中坳陷含油气带与温东丽水油气构造带相接。

【Abstract】 The crustal stress and density fields calculated from perturbations of setellite orbits, are used for delineation of regional crustal high stress and Layer Low density zone(Piece)of gas hydrate characteristic, by which the gas hydrate exploration can be obtained. The paper has computed and drawn the satellite remote sensing maps of stress and density fieds on the equal stress and equal density zone with regional structures over the coastal shaped delta of Minjiang River. It has revealed, that the hydrocarbon - bearing zone of Fujan - Zhejiang depression joins with the hydrocarbon - bearing zone of Wenzhou - Lishui.

  • 【文献出处】 遥感信息 ,Remote Sensing Information , 编辑部邮箱 ,2003年02期
  • 【分类号】TP79
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】199

