Application Overview and Development Prospect of Kinect
【摘要】 随着微软Kinect体感设备的推出,国内外研究机构和科研人纷纷以此为平台进行研究和开发,应用于机器人、医疗、教育、电子商务和计算机等领域。旨在对Kinect的工作原理和应用现状进行简要的概述,并探讨Kinect未来的发展前景。
【Abstract】 Along with the Microsoft Kinect natural interaction device pushouting,the domestic and foreign research institutions and researchers use it as platform for research and development.And the Robot,medical treatment,education,e-commerce and computer etc have been applied.Aiming at briefly summarizing work principle and application status of the Kinect,and exploring the future development of the Kinect.
- 【文献出处】 现代计算机(专业版) ,Modern Computer , 编辑部邮箱 ,2013年06期
- 【分类号】TP391.41;TP212.9
- 【被引频次】35
- 【下载频次】2096