

Method of increasing wireless transmission distance for BOX system.

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【作者】 王晓光

【Author】 Wang Xiaoguang.

【机构】 中石化集团江苏油田物探处仪修站 江苏 扬州 225007

【摘要】 1998年从美国引进的BOX仪器出厂标称传输距离为13km,但经过多年野外施工,设备老化,且由于野外生产排列扩大,其完成野外地震生产的能力受到大大的局限,传输性能也下降了,现在当其传输距离在6 km以内时采集站与主机通信才较为正常。为此我们对天线原理进行了深入剖析,找到了适合BOX仪器的解决办法。

【Abstract】 The nominal factory transmission distance is 13 km for the BOX apparatus imported from U. S in 1998. But the apparatus is ageing after many years’ field construction, which can make the communication between the acquisition station and seismograph be normally carried out when the transmission distance is within 6 km. Enlarging field production layout makes the transmission capacity decrease that greatly limits the field seismic production capacity. In order to solve

  • 【文献出处】 物探装备 ,Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting , 编辑部邮箱 ,2006年02期
  • 【分类号】P631.43
  • 【下载频次】28

