

Discoveries from the Survey of the Shengmu Hall of the Jinci Temple

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【作者】 彭海

【Author】 Peng Hai

【机构】 山西省古建筑保护研究所

【摘要】 <正> 1993年至1995年,山西省古建筑保护研究所对晋祠圣母殿落架大修,同时进行了全面的勘察测量,取得了大量准确的数据,并发现了一批重要的题记和文物,从而使我们对这一著名古建筑的始建年代和建筑结构、特点有了新的认识和收获。

【Abstract】 In 1993—95 experts from the Institute for Research of Preservation of Monuments conducted a complete survey of the Shengmu Hall which was undergoing renovation. Beside a lot of statistics, the survey also brought to light some important inscriptions and relics. Special mention should be made of three pillar bases coded 1, 32 and 48 respectively. A total of 83 coins found in them include kaiyuan tongbao,zhouyuan tongbao and tangguo tongbao. As the latest of these coins was minted in the 6th year of the Xiande reign (956), at least these three pillars have remained as same as they were put there for the first time in the period of the taiping xingguo reign, never disturbed by later renovations. This, in cooperation with related literary data,locates the building date somewhere between the 4th and ninth years of the taiping xingguo reign of the Song dynasty,rather than the period of the tiansheng reign(1023—1031)as some previously believed.

  • 【分类号】K879.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】249

