The limit equilibrium method for ultimate bearing capacity of ground foundation adjacent to slope based on bilateral asymmetry failure mode
【摘要】 地基极限承载力的分析与计算是临坡基础设计的重要依据。首先,结合临坡条形基础地基工程的特点,通过深入研究其破坏机理,借鉴现有临坡地基破坏模式确定的经验,构建出考虑临坡条形基础地基破坏模式双侧性与非对称性特征的地基合理破坏模式;其次,在上述临坡地基破坏模式研究基础上,引进刚体极限平衡分析方法,导出反映破坏模式双侧性与非对称性以及基础与坡顶距离影响的临坡条形基础地基极限承载力分析模型;然后,采用序列二次规划优化分析方法,解决双侧性与非对称性引起的地基破坏几何模型的不确定性问题,建立临坡条形基础地基极限承载能力的确定方法;最后,采用该文及现有相关研究方法对工程实例进行对比分析,表明文中研究方法的合理性与可行性。
【Abstract】 Analysis and calculation of the ultimate bearing capacity of foundation is an important to design of footing adjacent to slope. Firstly, the failure mechanism of strip footing adjacent to slope is analyzed according to the characteristics of strip footing near slope in the engineering. Meanwhile,the new and reasonable sliding failure mode considering the bilateral and asymmetry characteristics of strip foundation adjacent to slope is established with the existing experience as reference. Secondly,the ultimate bearing capacity analysis model of strip footing adjacent to slope is derived by the rigid body limit equilibrium analysis method based on above slope failure mode. It can not only reflect the bilateral and asymmetry failure characteristics of the strip footing adjacent to slope,but also the distance effect of the foundation and slope on the bearing capacity of the strip footing. Then,a new method to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing adjacent to slope is put forward by the sequential quadratic programming optimization algorithm,considering the foundation geometric model uncertainty of strip foundation caused by the bilateral and asymmetry failure mode. Finally,the feasibility and rationality of the proposed method is proved by comparing with the results of the engineering cases.
【Key words】 strip footing adjacent to slope; ultimate bearing capacity of foundation; limit equilibrium method of rigid body; bilateral failure mode; asymmetry failure mode; sequential quadratic programming;
- 【文献出处】 土木工程学报 ,China Civil Engineering Journal , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年01期
- 【分类号】TU470
- 【被引频次】4
- 【下载频次】210