Slope Anchor Cable Reinforcement of Futang Hydropower Station after Earthquake and the Stress Monitoring Analysis
【摘要】 "5·12"汶川大地震后,震区边坡稳定性受到严重破坏,出现多种破坏形式,如崩塌、滑坡、变形等等。不稳定边坡存在巨大的安全隐患,所以对边坡进行加固势在必行。预应力锚索是高边坡危害防治的主要手段,将大吨位的预应力锚索锚固于边坡体内稳固的岩层中,通过施加预应力,可抵抗边坡体深层破坏和变形。锚索预应力变化监测对于岩土锚固工程具有重要意义,它通过监控施工过程中及工后的预应力状态,检验加固工程是否达到预期效果,根据长期的监测结果对坡体稳定状态做出评价,并决定是否需要采取适当的补救措施。结合福堂水电站震后厂房边坡锚索加固及其应力监测,探讨了压力分散型锚索应力损失及变化规律,对岩土锚固工程设计、施工提供技术支持。
【Abstract】 After 5·12 earthquake in Wenchuan,the slope stability has been severely damaged in earthquake area,many destroyed modes appeared,such as collapse,landslide,deformation,and so on. Pre-stressed anchor cable is the main method of preventing high slope harm,with large tonnage pre-stressed cable anchoring in stable rocks of slope to resist the deep slope failure and deformation by pre-stressing. It is important to monitor the pre-stress variation,through the prestressed state monitoring both in and after construction process,the reinforcement effects can be tested and based on the long-term monitoring results to evaluate the slope stability state,whether to take appropriate remedial measures can be decided. According to the slope anchor cable reinforcement of Futang hydropower station after earthquake and the stress monitoring,the paper discusses the stress loss of pressure-dispersive anchor and the variation rule.
【Key words】 earthquake; slope reinforcement; pressure-dispersive anchor; anchor dynamometer; stress loss;
- 【文献出处】 探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程) ,Exploration Engineering(Rock & Soil Drilling and Tunneling) , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年05期
- 【分类号】TV554.13
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】46