

Investigation on Disease and Insect Pest of Asteraceae Plants

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【作者】 姜自红张相锋涂清芳汤士勇梁建军

【Author】 JIANG Zihong;ZHANG Xiangfeng;TU Qingfang;TANG Shiyong;LIANG Jianjun;Food and Environmental Engineering Department,Chuzhou Vocational and Technical College;College of Biological and Geographical Sciences, Yili Normal University;

【通讯作者】 张相锋;

【机构】 滁州职业技术学院食品与环境科学系伊犁师范学院生物与地理科学学院

【摘要】 逐株调查资源圃中98种(或品种)菊科植物的病害和虫害发生情况。调查发现,主要病害为煤污病、白粉病、枯萎病、灰霉病、褐斑病、锈病、病毒病7种,其中煤污病发病株最多,占调查总数的68.1%。主要虫害为红蜘蛛、白粉虱、蚜虫、菊天牛、黄胸蓟马和蜗牛6种,其中白粉虱和红蜘蛛危害严重,2种病害的受害株占调查总数的81.6%。矶菊等对病虫害有很好的抵抗能力,河南野菊等白粉虱及煤污病发生极其严重,调查结果为筛选抗性育种材料提供依据。

【Abstract】 To investigate the occurrence of diseases and pests of the Asteraceae plants, 98 species(or varieties) of the Asteraceae in the resource garden were investigated. The survey found that the main diseases were sooty blotch, powdery mildew, blight, gray mildew, brown spot disease, rust disease and irus disease. Among them, sooty blotch caused the most strains, accounting for 68.1 % of the total number of investigations. The main insect pests were red spiders, whitefly, aphid, Phytoecia rufiqentria Gautier, Thrips hawaiiensis and snails.Among them, whitefly and red spiders were seriously armful, and the affected plants account for 81.6 % of the total number of investigations. Ajania pacifica and others had good resistance to pests and diseases, but Henan wild chrysanthemum and others infected with whiteflies and sooty blotch diseases were extremely serious. The investigation results provided evidence for screening resistant breeding materials.

【关键词】 菊科病虫害调查
【Key words】 Asteraceaedisease and insect pestinvestigation
【基金】 安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2016A542);安徽省高校优秀青年骨干人才国内外访学研修项目(gxfx2017223);滁州职业技术学院院级科技创新团队项目(YJCXTD-2017-01);安徽省创新行动发展计划滁菊园艺大师工作室项目(MX-17)
  • 【文献出处】 天津农业科学 ,Tianjin Agricultural Sciences , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年05期
  • 【分类号】S436.8
  • 【网络出版时间】2019-05-07 15:23
  • 【下载频次】211

