A comparison between the requirements of multi-well constrained conditions in deterministic inversion and stochastic inversion
【摘要】 叠后数据地震反演一般利用测井信息对反演结果进行约束,不同的反演方法对井约束条件的需求存在差异,不恰当地使用井约束条件将严重影响反演结果的准确性。基于理论数据分析了确定性反演和随机反演中多井约束对反演精度的影响。研究表明,在确定性反演中,多井约束将导致反演结果可信度降低,相比多井约束的反演结果,单井约束更能准确描绘出相对阻抗差异;在随机反演中,约束井数目越多,不确定性越低,反演精度越高。
【Abstract】 During the seismic inversion of post-stack datalogging data is usually used to constrain the inversion result.Different inversion methods require different well-constrained conditions,and inappropriate application of well-constrained conditions will seriously impact the accuracy of inversion.By utilizing synthetic data,we analyzed the impact of multi-well constrained conditions on deterministic inversion and stochastic inversion.The results indicate that in deterministic inversion,multi-well constrained conditions will decrease the reliability of inversion,and single-well constrained condition can accurately reflect the contrast of relative impedance;in stochastic inversion,more constrained wells cause lower uncertainty and higher inversion accuracy.
- 【文献出处】 石油物探 ,Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum , 编辑部邮箱 ,2011年04期
- 【分类号】P631.4
- 【被引频次】28
- 【下载频次】540